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  1. Hmm sounds complicated i dont really know how to do that, could you explain sorry but im not very good with computers
  2. Could you post the exact steps i have to take inorder to get shai-hulud working also what files i need to add where. i already have MSVBVM50.DLL file, are there other files aswell? thanks that would be so great!
  3. i cant even open a map with shai-hulud! do you guys happen to know if there will be a good map editor for dune2000 some day? thanks
  4. i cant save map?? also how do you add buildings + units, will this map be playable in skirmish?? thanks alot
  5. ok it works but is this correct thanks alot > if yes can someone give me a tutorial on how to use it? thanks so much
  6. And finally just to make sure im running dune2000 V1.06 might that be a problem for shai hulud??
  7. This is what i get aswell > im now using windows 7 and running the programm with compatibility mode windows Xp
  8. Ok put the MSVBVM50.DLL in the dune2000 directory, now shai-hulud starts but i get a runtime error! and it tells me about colors >
  9. Hi folkes im gonna attach images on the exact steps i took to install > sh2k121. It never works ok let go > If anyone knows how to fix this Please help me, thanks in advance
  10. Hi people, ive been trying several month now how to use these dune 2000 map editors! first of i tryed shai hulud which had missing dll files or something, now im using Dune Edit 98, but i have no clue on how to use it! If someone could explain it to me that would be great! thanks in advance
  11. Hi thanks for the file dune2000.cfg droped it in the dune 2000 directory and overwrite the old, but still no grey atreides on skirmish:S??
  12. Hi people, does anyone know how to play as Fremen (Grey) in Skirmish? and how to set who you want to play against? thanks in advance people
  13. Hi im new here ive been playing Dune 2000 for a long time now, i was wonder can someone tell me how to play online and how to ally with Ai that would be great, i also have to say i donwloaded the game does that mean i cant go online? or create maps, alli wiht Ai etc? thanks
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