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  1. ;( too bad hope its going to be possible at least for multiplayer modes sooner or later!
  2. the message i wrote to amigabot: "first of all, this is not completed or so, just something i could think about to spice a bit the game. i was also thinking of removing the sardaukar units for the harkonnen, and make something else for them (to keep sardaukars for emperor only). for sure there are some stuff which can be done better, just have a look. i couldnt think of better ideas without changing 2 much or the likes. the special forces (ornitop, fremen, missile, saboteur, sardaukar) are boosted to make them more useful and balance the different strenghts! ordos should have the most improvements; the emperor could make large use of sardaukar with their mines while smugglers could have a lot of units for free to compete with rest. id really like to test something like this out. some of the stuff you wrote like movign worms or paying mercenaries bases to receive their helps looks nifty as well. anyway! ------------- 2 new factions: Emperor Smugglers Overall (for all factions) changes: all infantry units are more resistant (10%) walls are more resistant worms are slightly faster, but not enough to outrun harvesters AI builds more gun and rocket turrets in their bases gun turrets fire faster starports requires in addition as its normal requisites, the high factory to be builded starports are changed to never run out of units starports now cost 25% more starports allow to order the special units of the main faction ( sonic tanks for atreides, devastator for harkonnen, deviator for ordos, 5 ea sardaukar for emperor, carryall for smugglers but max 1 per order) carryall cannot be ordered any longer from starports infantry and trooper units can be ordered by starport in packages of 5ea ( max 1 per order ) fixed the spice maximum capacity bug of refineries changed the maximum capacity of refineries to 3000 solaris the preparation time of: death hand missile,ornitophters, saboteur is reduced possibility to ally with AI or other players, at the start of the multiplayer game. Making an ally (either with AI or another Human player), turns the rest of forces into allying each other vs the alliance sardaukars and fremen units gained the self healing abitity till 50% of their HP Atreides changes: increased the amount of fremen units from Atreides palace from 2 to 4 reduced the time for producing ornitophters atreides can order sonic tank from starport as special unit (max 1 per time) Harkonnen changes: reduced the recharge time for death hand missile from Harkonnen palace increased damage of the death hand missile harkonnen faction cannot build walls harkonnen structures has 20% more hit point harkonnen can order devastator from starport as special unit (max 1 per time) Ordos changes: added the possibility to build missile tanks with a research center saboteur invisibility last longer saboteur's invisibility has shorter recharge time slightly increased the life point of ordos combat tanks ordos structures are faster to be builded by 20% ordos can order deviator from starport as special unit (max 1 per time) Emperor faction features: emperor faction has the original harkonnen unit list, but no devastator emperor faction can train sardaukars through an upgraded barracks (harkonnen faction needs hightech factory too in 1.06) the emperor palace produce 4ea sardaukars unit (same as fremen producing time) emperor faction can order sardaukars (5unit) by starport as special unit (max 1 per time) Smugglers faction features: smuggler faction has the original ordos unit list (with the modified combat tank) smugglers cannot produce the invisible trike, neither deviators, but can produce missile tanks from research center smugglers can build Ixian starport, from which they regularly receive (for free) units such as the ordors mercenaries does in their last missions smugglers requires research center to build the ixian starport smugglers' ixian starport cost the double of the normal starport and has 50% more hit points smuggler faction has no palace smuggler can order carryall units from starport as special unit (max 1 per time) smugglers' heavy factory has the mercenaries' sprite one smuggler's Ixian starport has different colours from the normal one / different sprite --------- let me know what u think about it! greetings" i'd be glad to also know in details whats possible already, what will be possible with some new modding experience and what instead is just rather impossible to do in future i'd love to play with emperor with massive plotoons of sardaukars *-* or as smugglers (would even give them invisible harvesters,/faster carryalls or harvesers, as long as the harvesters stop counting as unit and alas the mission isnt over till the last harvesters are dead.. i hate to search for the last units idling in the corners in the end of missions ;D)
  3. oh that sounds nice indeed i wish you are able to modify everything u want ^^ ill send u in private pm the list of what ive been thinking about anyway, to balance the factions, and get more variety and fun into the game atm, maybe there are some positive ideas you can fetch for your work anyway (or maybe when in future everything about modding is clear, could be possible to develop the mod i thought about)
  4. hi there, im a fan of this game since it was released, and i recently tried out some of the changes avaiable for download in this forum. but i wasnt really satisfied, for various reasons. Since i read most can be edited or changed, and i even saw some people here could modify even the campaign missions (! nice one^^ ) i wondered what exactly can u change and what cant be changed in the game.. because i thought of a list of changes for a new mod, but im absolutely clueless on the modding in general.. so if there are any experts interested would be great i can post the changes i thought about, if it helps or if someone capable of using those mods with success (actually not thinking of the single player mission, but of LAN and multiplayer battles the most) i obviously dont know if those changes would be hard to apply or not ps: the changes i thought about, includes the addition of 2 new faction (emperor +smugglers), a few changes in the AI, changes of structures and units
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