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Colonel Sardaukar

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  1. Mine is sardaukar81, c'om and let's fight ;D
  2. Big problem: I've uptaed Dune to 1.6 and installed&set Hamachi but if I go on Multyplayer-LAN I can see only this: What do I have to do to play online? I've tried to connect to Hamachi but even if I've the Premium versione it says always Server Full. I've tried with Dune-2k as server
  3. You should tell me how to can play online then we'll find for sure an agrrement to paly some matches. ;)
  4. Hi there, I'm a newbie here. I bought Dune2k when it's been released and in the last days I took again it on my hands. Is it still possible to find someone to play online? And if someone is interested can you help to understand how to play online with it? Long life to the warriors. ;)
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