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  1. So i came here after a while and, well,... I see that, at the moment, the only person on the entire internet who could make this game run in higher resolution is too busy and this whole patch thing is on hold. Am a little confused though,... from the above - is there already a way to run dune 2000 in 1024x768 or is it something TS Hyper was planning to do, but has not yet been done, because of him being soo busy lately? I see there is something like a patch for download in the first post here, but that thing cannot be downloaded anymore. So whats the status on this? Ive read the whole thread, but still dont know if running dune 2000 in higher res was possible with that version of patch posted here? Anyone bringing in some enlightement? thx
  2. As long as u keep trying, there is hope :) thank you for that.. i keep checking it here almost everyday :D.. hoping.. id soo much like to see it run in .. lets say 1680x1050 :D, heh, ok.. too optimistic, i know :D but at least something higher than the only res available now.
  3. Looks like these resolution problems are a really hard nut to crack with Dune games.. With Emperor, u have hi resolution, but no widescreen resolutions are supported. A registry hack, or whatever it is, makes it run in widescreen res, but then everything is out of place, so u click next to unit to attack it and so on. Hmm... oh well,.. lets hope for a future dune game that will have it all as it should be... Still if someone found a way for Dune 2000, id be happy. :)
  4. Oh, please,please, do continue searching for a way to run this game in higher resolution. Id so much like to play the game again, but it is pretty impossible with that low resolution setting in combination with todays LCD monitors. I registered just to ask the person who is working on this to continue,.. im sure many ppl want this, ive wanted this for such a long time :( If theres any way to run Dune 2000 in high res, please find it. :)
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