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  1. You have to be very careful when editing the .tgas if you use a modern graphics program like Photoshop or PSP you may end up changing the palette information and get funky mad colours in-game. To prevent this use a basic prog' like Gimp to open the file. Then copy/paste the section of the file you want to work on or replace into your favourite editor. When you are done, copy the section back into gimp and save the file (remember to use "save" not "save_as"). This should help to keep as much of the original formatting as possible. With regards to the team colours, the game seems to use the colour RGB: 000 000 255 (Blue) and "brightness" values thereof to designate areas of the image to be replaced by the team colour. I will look into this a bit more and will let you know when I have something a bit more helpful. With regards to the unused explosions you have found, my advice is not to bother with them. Westwood left an awful lot of unfinished stuff in the final .rfds and most of it lacks the necessary data to function properly within the game. If you really must persist then try altering an existing entry to include the data you require. you can even try making a copy of an existing element (say explosion or model) alter its attributes then create it as a completely new element. This is quite complicated and prone to going very wrong but can be done! Hope this helps :)
  2. I have collected the following... Emperor 1.09 Patch Updates all official English language versions of the game to version 1.09 File name: em109en.exe Official Map Editor Create and edit map files File name: emperormapeditor.zip DunEx (various) Can read, extract from and recompile .rfh/.rfd archives. Have versions 1.02, 1.03 and 2.00_Beta. File name(s): duneex2k_beta.exe duneex102.exe duneexupdate.exe Xbf Editor Can read .xbf files. Can extract/insert/create mesh data for most 3d models. File name: xbfvertv2k.exe I will continue to update this list as and when I can. Had to do some world class scrounging to come up with this lot though! :P
  3. Decided to dig out my old copy of Emperor and whip up a few mods. Looked on Fed2k for the various tools that used to be there but was told... "Downloads are temporarily disabled." That sucks! Does anyone still have these files?? I still enjoy playing Emperor from time to time so if anyone can provide me with the necessaries I will happily host them on a web/ftp server (with permission of course).
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