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Everything posted by hexacorde

  1. If you want it, I can make a application that read a .dro file, and writes a log with what opl registers and data it is writing at each time. Comparing these captures with the music files, you can try to hack it. It is really no problem to do this app. However to do the actual hack is a bit more of work, if you want to do so.
  2. Hi friends, I was roaming the net and found this topic. That saga for finding the programmer was fun to be read. ;D Some time ago, I made an opl3 emulator, that by coincidence is written in Java, that maybe can be of some help for you. I've put it in www.cozendey.com/opl3/opl3.html In the page, there is also a demonstration player that can read DOSBos captured files, so you can give a try with your files, and the player already come with a lot of examples files. Since I read this topic, I added two Dune 1 .dro files, it is in the menu Examples/Dosbox Raw Opl/Adlib/Dune :) ps: just a warning, though. The opl capture routine of Dosbox 0.72 (the last official version) has several problems, that prevent it from capturing Dune fm music properly. However, if you download some recent Dosbox build, it comes with version 2 of the .dro format, which do it correctly, afaik.
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