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  1. Found another wrong placed cliff in mission 6. My ally used it to sneak into the enemy base and to destroy it http://s1.directuplo...i4dldz3_jpg.htm When I finished mission 6, i got an error message, don't know if this happens just me. I need to replay it, to be sure it will occur again. Error message: http://s7.directuplo...xrrh9ep_jpg.htm
  2. Hey, Great campaign! Actually, I'm at mission 6 and it makes a lot of fun. I will write a review in detail, when I finished it. I also got not crashes so far. One thing i noticed is a cliff bug at mission 4 (probably wrong placed cliff) Its north of your starting base (http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/2993/ts7gix7f_jpg.htm)
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