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Everything posted by Delmair

  1. Very interesting... :) I noticed that you have imported a different the value "Treat level for AI" with the d2editor. This actually makes the AI ​​more similar to human actions since it first hit the defense turret to avoid being decimated during an attack... simple and ingenious! ;) Thanks for the advice for spawning Infantry, I will try also this... Besides MrFlibble do you know this fantastic scenario editor? http://dunemaps.sourceforge.net/
  2. Thanks MrFlibble you for your help, you're great... :) I was able to modify the strings that concerned the ID as you suggested and now my Soldier/Infantry modified into Warrior/s firing mini-rockets. ;) But Raider Trike changed into Sardaukar Trooper when I give orders to Attack it's blocked and don't fire! Maybe it's about to change for them, but I was especially interested in the fact that you (and who helped you to do) have improved the AI in order to make the game more difficult and challenging (remember playing a scenario with the Sardaukar when the Fremen opponent attacked me with 4 Launchers for once!). For this reason I chosen to playing this campaign with modified DUNEX.exe. Regarding the fact that the Soldiers survived out from vehicles exploded and destroyed bases, I saw that you put the odds of this happening to 0%, otherwise it would come out Warrior instead of Soldier and this would not make sense!
  3. I spoke in private also with Nyerguds... basically because I wanted to play the campaign so that the new units (Fremen Warriors and Sardaukar Trooper) are present in the game. I try to change the original file DUNE2.exe, but is too complicated for my idea... for example, I tried to change the Infrantry transforming the unit into Fremen Warriors with the editor d2editor, but I have found some problems, such as the fact that they non-fired mini-rocket missiles, rather with the machine gun... For this reason (and more others) I decided to use the file DUNEX.exe and not the original DUNE2.exe, thus modifying only the .PAK files as EXPAND.PAK. So, how can I change the bar-color in the hall of fame? These is a image in game: http://desmond.image...jpg&res=landing I played with the Atreides a my scenario and at the end of the mission the scores bar is colored violet (as Sardaukar faction!). It's a shame because I lost hours of work to change almost everything, making the game visually acceptable. P.S. However I'm drnovice's brother, I see that also him has posted in this discussion! :)
  4. Hello all users, I wanted to try playing a campaign Atreides, but using the modified game files DUNEX.exe. I was able to restore the original texts of the missions and orders of mentats editing the yours EXPAND.PAK file... but I can't get the original colors of the three houses (Atreides, Harkonnen and Ordos) in the hall of fame and scores (YOU:, ENEMY:) of the scores at the end of the missions! For example: Nyerguds (or MrFibble if you know how to do), can you create another file FAME.CPS that can adapt to my DUNEX.exe modified? Thanks & Reguards.
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