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  1. Personally I thin that <i>Why care for minds of the others...</i> easily can be seen as both egocentric and authoritarian, but especially as egocentric. I see egocentrism as an attitude a person can have when he/she only concentrates on his/her own thoughts and needs and ignore others. It seems you are doing exactly that in that sentence. I wouldn
  2. Caid, please let
  3. Hm, I can
  4. Ahhhh yeees, the good old days when we had a sweet combination of swastikas, war, death, rushing tanks, pain, sorrow and ethnic cleansing. What is it to be mesmerized about? And don
  5. Well if by natural you mean certain things that can be classified as natural behaviour then national territories aren
  6. Mere good taste? I think science has proven pretty well that there are no races within the human race, so no I wouldn
  7. You have every right to claim that book and borrow it at a later moment. Just because you can
  8. Personally I find it a bit terrifying that you reduce the Nazi ideology to a comparison between Nazis and Emo
  9. Well I am not all that good at stoic philosophy and the view of property, but the idea I have of Panaetius when it comes to private property is from Cicero's <i>De Officiis</i>. Anyway in this source it says
  10. Ahhhh sweet good old fox news... they just never stop to amaze me.
  11. Ah ok, then I see. But, as mentioned before, the thing is that I don
  12. You can make products with natural resources
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