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Everything posted by DanteSSS333

  1. Thanks for your reply, but after hearing from your success in running the game, I tried to run the game one more time and it suddenly just worked xD. Anyway, thanks for sharing the info with me.
  2. Great to hear this. Could you tell me the driver version, maybe it will work for my graphics card too?
  3. u dont need a psx to play psx games ;) http://www.epsxe.com/
  4. i doubt any upgrades would make a change for me, since i got a gtx 580 xD. but its interesting to see that although your gfx card is older than mine, it has exactly the same issue, which makes me think that its somehow related to how windows 7 treats nvidia gfx cards in general. all my friends who got dune 2000 to work on w7 got ati/amd cards. between, if you really wanna play dune 2000, you can still do that, though you would have to use the psx version, like i do.
  5. Of course i will tell you about any findings i make. and i also tried the gruntmod edition as well as every other dune 2000 installer, none of them works on my w7 installation. but what is really strange for me is that it works on the w7 installations of every other person i know. maybe its a nvidia gfx card issue, since i also got a nvidia gfx card
  6. @ Steve: I got EXACTLY the same issue you have, either a blank menu with sound or a black screen also with sound, depends on your type of dune installation, when deleting the intro vids from your dune folder, you only get the black screen. The strange thing is that it works fine on my vista 64 installation, which runs on the same pc my windows 7 64 runs on. so it only works with vista and not with windows 7 for me, regardless of the hardware, which is very strange. I even contacted gruntlord about this issue, since many others are experiencing this too, but he couldnt find a solution for it. I hope someone will find a solution eventually.
  7. My issue is pretty similar to the one of other Windows 7 users: I installed Dune 2000 (even tried several different version, including the gruntmod one), but when I run the game (tried every compatibility option) the intro vid plays but after that, the menu remains empty while the music still plays and I have to close dune via task manager, since there is no menu to choose from ingame. my sys: OS: W7 x64 i7 3770k RAM: 8GB GFX: GTX 580 MOBO: Asus P8Z77V-Deluxe The strange thing is that it worked flawlessly with my previous Vista x64 sys and a GTX 295, so could it be a gfx card issue?
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