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Everything posted by sferg

  1. sferg

    Dune Cheats

    Hello, I am new here and being playing the classic Dune through DosBox. Used to have it years and years ago on my old 386SX!!! Anyway, been playing for a while now and had to restart a few times due to not having enough spice and things and then I found the file here to start with loads of spice, only cheat I have used and been playing for ages finding and beating the Harks, planting seed etc, must be about 3 quarters through and that greedy Emp has nearly had all the 300000+kg of spice. So can someone tell me where to find the spice value entry in the saved file and what value to change it to to have maximum spice again, I don't want to start the game again. Problem is I do not understand any of this hex editor stuff so I really need someone to take a look at my saved file, maybe do a screen dump which they can email back to me and show me exactly where the spice value is, also what hex editor programme should I search for and download? Tried the Dune editor programme but it says the file is saved with max spice but when I load the game nothing has changed.... Also my files are the Dune21S1 ones. Please reply here or email me at sferg.410@ntlworld.com and i will happily send you a copy of my saved game file and you can show me the spice value location. Thanks a lot Stewart
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