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  1. I think that exchanging YM and ICQ addresses is the only way to find other Dune 2000 players these days. Unfortunately I cannot do that here but PM me and I would be glad to exchange YM ID's with other Dune 2000 players except trike007 (AMIgaBot) who has a much fouly language for my taste.
  2. I remembered about Dune and installed it few days ago only to find that, indeed, the community is dead. I have a friend that's still playing it bout I think we'll look toward something else like StarCraft or BattleZone. After installing an antiquate operationg system and messing with my router to run Dune 2000 I found out that there are only two hard-core players left - trike007 and muis but they like playing each other too much to care using a decent language with other players. RIP
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