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Everything posted by Runis

  1. I have just discovered that EA released Westwood Studio game C&C Red Alert source. I think there should be a lot of similarities with Dune 2000. Maybe we can find something interesting in the code regarding modding for Dune ? It might be that is the same game engine also ? Article: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-05-21-ea-releasing-source-code-for-command-and-conquer-and-red-alert Source code: https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection
  2. I have made a secret colour slider in practise a.k.a. skirmish. Black colour is 127, but there are more similar colours. You can also select black colour after the light brown colour. Also for your convenience there are 7 AI's and credits up to 65000 (more is not possible). Skirmish.uil
  3. It's my old tests, i'll do more later. 3900 (100), 3901 (0), 3902 (0), 3903 (0), 3904 (0) - big army, waited for a long time, no attacks. Only 2 times siege tank traveled to enemy base (maybe for scaring them? idk) 3900 (99), 3901 (0), 3902 (0), 3903 (0), 3904 (0) - still big army. 3900 (80), 3901 (0), 3902 (0), 3903 (0), 3904 (0) - same. 3900 (1), 3901 (0), 3902 (0), 3903 (0), 3904 (0) - big army, waited some time. Only 2 troopers & 2 infantries attacked enemy. 3900 (0), 3901 (1), 3902 (0), 3903 (0), 3904 (0) - waited some time. Quad, missle tank, trooper, infantry, siege tank attacked enemy. I also found some kind of seeds or something: 1684300900 1684298340 1684295780 1684288100 1684275300 But I didn't found any changes... All of these tests I've noticed that almost always AI is sending one or more units to the enemy base.
  4. I'm curious about 3856 and 3860 bytes too, 'cos I was changing all bytes to often. When I will find some time for testing bytes, I'll post my information.
  5. AI SEGMENTS: 3 - AI acts like in practice MODE - builds buildings. 3856 - when unit is built timer starts to count time and then BOOM! Attacks. When timer stopped built units at this time period automaticaly are waiting for attack start, which is again waiting ((3860 - 3856)/10) seconds; ? 3932 - delay for repeated attacks. 7428 - number of harvesters for each refinery. 7429 - number of carryalls for each refinery. 7468 - delay for AI building units. Only at game begining.
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