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  1. Aah, thank you O'mighty one. Sadly however, Warcraft 3 has pulled me back.. yet again. It'll be awile before I can break its damned curse and return to my normal gaming. Stupid game is worse then nicotine... Maybe I should go download some Warcraft Patches... That'll help, right?
  2. Umm... how exactly do I.. make the map work? I went to the "downloads" section and got the map packer and downloaded the map, but when I run the map packer its just a big grey box with a few holes for text in it, but I can't figure out how to make it display or DO anything... OH! I just noticed the "help" file in there.. feel like an idiot now. Well, I always was. Still, I'll appreciate it if you can give me a "map unpacking 4 dummies"
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