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Everything posted by Nikolai

  1. Steaming streams of shit, guys. Did you all forget to take your midol? Chill the hell out, I don't care whether some doofus tells me I won't catch on. For the more welcoming people out there, thanks, and I do look forward to many games. And for the reused tampon crowd, you have no chance to discourage me. Winning or losing, it's just a game. This is the one thing that I'll actually teach YOU. Hard way or not. That is, if you'll listen. Oh, and I'm a nice person, alright. Don't you worry about that. ;)
  2. I don't notice any. What sound card do YOU guys have? It sounds like over-the-top Hollywood action music.
  3. I live in America. GMT -6:00. And those rumors actually are true. My first match was with something named viking. The match yielded nothing more than my total obliteration from a Harkonnen buzzsaw rush I didn't think possible. But that's not going to discourage me. The only doubt in my mind is that more conventional tactics may not be applicable.
  4. As cool (and unrelated) as it is, it seems just a little too over the top. It's just a car, after all. The designers of the movie must have experience in trailer directing, or something along those lines. Black and carbon look pretty stylish. I'm more than sure that the car costs a pretty penny. Nice music, too.
  5. I'm not aware of Emporer's status quo in terms of its player base, and what the forum customs are for introducing new players, but I feel inclined to say that I'm ready and willing to join the player base and add another able player to the theatre of Arrakis and beyond. In short, hello community. My name is Nikolai, and I would like to play a game of Emporer. If anyone sees this in a short period of time, why don't you reply with a time you'd like to play, or send me a message on MSN? I'm almost certain I have everything prepped to play. In the meantime, I think I'll go practice in a skirmish.
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