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Everything posted by spookyu

  1. Woops, never mind, I fixed it. The default location was set the Cmaps but I went into the settings and selected it ago and there they all are now, thanks anyway.
  2. I'm most of the way through it and this book has its ups and downs. Once in a while it seems like it will get stuck in a rut but it seems to pick back up after a few pages. I enjoy the different writing style, I'm glad he didn't try and imitate Frank's, but I can see unintentional echoes of it in the book (father like son I guess?). I'm getting frustrated at how many unanswered questions there still are, suspense is good and all but I hope these questions get answered sooner or later in the book. Overall I give it a an 8 out of 10 as far as comparing it to the other dune books.
  3. Hey, I'm new so I want to say "hello" to start, I hope to stick around after this post as well (I'm a fan of the, uhh...duniverse?). Well I'm trying to use some fan made maps but it seems as though this mappacker is giving me trouble. I'm placing the .cmfs in the "CMaps" directory but when I start the map packer and look under the unpack tab nothing is there. It doesn't seem like I could possibly be doing anything wrong, its all pretty straight forward, any ideas? Note: I wasn't sure where to ask this question but I figured "technical issues" was a broad enough category for it to fit under.
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