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  1. The Bene Tleilaxu live on Tleilax (surprisingly :)) the capital of which is called Banalong. They comprise of two species : The Masters (gnome like, grey skin, pointy ears .. generally creatures that humans are repuled by - they are like that on purpose) and the Face Dancers. The FD are grown in special "axlotl" tanks to genrally do cumbersome or loathesome tasks.The Face Dancers can shift shape, and are created by the Masters' to be used as pack horses and mules. The Master's have various councils, but they are ultimately subordinate to The Mahai, The Master of Masters ( Waff in HoD ) They have spread rumours about themselves for millenia ( "filthy Tleilaxu" ) to divert attention away from their secret religion. Hope that helps, I was a bit taken back at first when they entered book 2. (Althogh there is a discrepency, in Book 2 Scytale is a Face Dancer.. yet in later books he is a Master.. though im sure someone can explain that..)
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