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  1. 289 downloads

    Worm Mod.
  2. 180 downloads

    Vehicle Mod.
  3. 178 downloads

    Building Mod.
  4. 171 downloads

    Fighter Mod.
  5. 150 downloads

    Tornado Mod.
  6. 146 downloads

    Advanced Carryall Mod.
  7. 191 downloads

    Expansion Pack (skirmish).
  8. 100 downloads

    Armed Scouts Mod.
  9. 99 downloads

    Fair Mod.
  10. Version 2


    Realistic Mod.
  11. 105 downloads

    Fighter Worm Mod.
  12. Version 2


    Subhouse Mod.
  13. 197 downloads

    Follows the lines of Dune 2000: some of the units are changed. eg: Saboteurs do way more damage but need a palace to build but still Ordos. Quads built by all, Sand Trike basic for HK and AT while OR get their dust scout stronger but cost more like on Dune 2000 Standard defense buildings. No more aircraft except for advanced and basic carryalls and the AT thopter like on Dune 2000. AT can build worser version of Fremen warrior. Deviator more armour less speed. Sardaukar are stronger, better and cost more.
  14. 105 downloads

    Money Mod.
  15. 145 downloads

    Cheater's Mod.
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