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Everything posted by pich

  1. ahh.. finally i have another idea (just some idea) ;D -in D2TM, maybe add another sub-tech-tree system for feature, such as, Atreides can use El-Sayal(Coriolis Storm-Super weapon) by researched "Coriolis-Analysis" and "Weather-Control-Sattelite", and "Coriolis-Analysis" maybe effect to gained some abillities ex. storm-predict. ??? -Maybe kind of Teilaxu(spell wrong?) unit can revives corsps into a gholas or something? 8) -im said this idea in topic "water", but i will say it again, that water silo can be as a concrete-type structure? maybe uses other tilepic. in advance, tilepic can linking like a pipe in simcity, makes a big container of water image. and when WT is destroyed, gfx will show an area of underneath, and take it to calculates, ex. # grids that show water underneaths, more will make humidity-gauge(water gauge) low down faster. but maybe increasing abit of health to being-unit around that grids.(fresh and sweet air :D) -maybe skirmish mode will have bars for adjusting scale of terrains, ex. rock 3/10, spices 6/10, but conditions must not make bugs about tiles. :- -maybe add some another tiles like someone said(sorry that i cant remember you), ex. grass or oasis or something. but they must linking with a timeline. that's means grass will never found in early times, and when dune've grass. less humidity-requirement to units... -i dont sure what type of power that uses to motivate machines and vihicles in dune. but if i must dividing it, *the guild use melange for motivate their ships, so the guild maybe a tribe that's support-style(low-cost starport order fee), and cause of that... it will be most friendly with the highest melange player. *atreides is fremens' friend, in timeline.. early is atreides army, middle is fremen army(use tech-tree of fremen, but add some tech in every mission.), and last will be an atreides army with full powers of fremen-tech-tree. i think i will rest for a while, and i have thesis to do..so i will back to look after El-Sayal....
  2. pich


    i think that about water-silo, you can lay it as cell before lay a WT. make it as another building. blend attr. of silo and cell maybe you can make it bigger(blend) under building layer, like how to lay pipe in simcity. i like idea that water maintain life-form, electricity maintain construction and vehicle. it's nice and i dont sure that in dune world, what and where are electricity-generators? may it uses sunlight? but old wind-generators still make sense... if atreides have a good relation with fremen, so fremen must hated Harkonnen, and maybe so-so with ordos... it maybe a solution when you make skirmish-mode. but as i playing "rise of nations:rise of legends", it uses different resource, but it's came from same-as structure, such as military-district(this game uses district to attaching to expanding size of city and get benefits from cities' size) generating a "person-point", another will gen some of other points, but it has same # of types of point.
  3. before what i want to say.. i must say TWO THUMBS UP!! ;D these's great work..and im one of dune's fans. ;) now i can help only with opinions and ideas... so this is my ideas.. - first, about AI constructing method... um.. i think that needs to dicise on where's AI spawned on. ex.. if AI spawned on north-left of map. routines will be... *start deploy a base. *decise to lays a cell.(depend on AI-style:maybe lay or not lay and repairing it after layed construction.) *decise to lay constructions.(depend on AI-style and base position that's on buildable-tile (i will call it "rock). such as -if it's start at center of rock, so it will expanding base with center-style and close at rim of base with turrets or wall that's depend on that block is unused-tile or not.(UNUSED-TILE is tile that is only one block left in an corner) *decisions when lay constructions that can deploy other units is ONE rule to follow, that's must have one-block that blank around constructions, for avoiding error. - second, about rocket-tank that's less accuracy when close to building.. *if in fire-range, no enemy, move to most accu. position and fire.(for construction attack) *if in fire-range, have enemies, fire at will.(for protect itself) it's like a rocket-system that use in many games today.. And ive some questions... please let me ask.. -Can it possible to use numpad to control side-bar? ex for this...in sub-bar, use 9 to scroll-up, 6 to scroll-down, in main-bar, use 8 to sc-up, 5 to sc-down, and use + to command to build, - for cancel building. or use same button for build-unbuild. so this solution will make players can control production quicker and easier. -CarryAll's sand-blow is just an fx-animate or write a real physical-routine?(when blowing on what tiles, make spices flowing to around tiles a bit.) -Skirmish mode that you plan.. is that possible to make it on-lan? because you have on-lan, if you want to test it on-line, all you need just Hamachi.(Vitual LAN on internet creator) in anyway, i following and testing yours for a long-times, i just want to tell you my opinion and if they've benefit to you in any-case, that makes me please... MMMMM /----------- GO ON!! GO ON!! b=(- w - b=) < Thumb up!! )
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