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Everything posted by Abbassia

  1. The Fall of Spanish Morocco had been a bad blow, but if Gibralter is taken... Guns continue to pound the British defences, it would be either sooner or later. General Mola issued the Following dispatch: "To the esteemed Governer and Foe, Sir Ralph Eastwood, Our guns continue to strike at your defences and our Forces continue their offensive, You must realize that the end is near, if you choose to yield within the next 8 hours we shall gurantee safe passage to you and your men back home, if you do not then I am afraid that we shall have to deal with you as swiftly and as harshly as possible. This offer includes both Military and non-military British Personnel. With Regards, General Emilio Mola" Meanwhile in Southern France, Generalissomo Franco is forced to return to Madrid to attened to urgent matters of the state, leaving General Augusto Guerner in command. Who would proceed to assault French positions across the Pyranes, however until more troops can be made availabl to the Campaign, the General focused much of his resources to harassing the French along with providing temporary air support to the Italian attmept on Nice till more troops arrive.
  2. Very well then, The formation of Iberian Pact was no easy accomplishment, A Spain that had been torn by war and a Portugal that had a tough time dealing with its colonies weren't exactly up to it at first. But that changed during the beginnings of WWII. The Fascist Regime in Spain under the Guidance of both Emilio Mola (whose Plane barely survived the bad weather in 1937) and Francisco Franco emerged Victorious in the Civil war. However following their victory they were left by a much devastated Spain and a Guerrilla Opposition led by the surviving Communists. A government was officially formed as Franco assumed the rank of Generalissimo with Mola as his Protege, Franco quickly moved to suppress the Guerrilla and other enemies of the state, while Mola pursued economic and military strength, along with exploiting a golden opportunity which had developed in Portugal. The Portugese Colony of Mozambique had risen into revolt due to the foolishness of the Portugese Governer there, this in turn had caused turmoil in the Fascist government of Salazar as his opposition rose up against him in an attempt to overthrow him, somehow the attempt was nearly successful and Salazar himself was nearly captured. After Fleeing Lisbon he was approached by Franco's Representative and within a few months the Dictator Salazar was restored as The Generalissimo of Portugal, although this came at a price of a substantial Spanish Influence in The Portugese Government. With Portugal secure, Franco announced the Iberian Pact between himself and Salazar, however due to the costs of setting this up an attempt, Angola had yet to be reclaimed. During the initial years of War in Europe, the Iberian Pact remained isolated focusing on recovery and mounting an expedition to Angola to restore it back to Portugese Control. There was some support for joining the Axis cause, headed by Mola, but despite Mola's best efforts Franco insisted on a very high price for Spanish entry causing no developments to occur. Franco seemed to have proved that his way was better when the Americans Liberated France and North Africa through Overlord and Torch, Mola had also proven himself loyal in Franco's Eyes through saving him from a recent Assassination attempts and pacifying remaining resistance in Portugal. Another Golden oppertuinity presented itself to Mola, the Expidition to Angola was finally ready however a devious idea had presented itself; a sneak attack on the Allies which would endanger their rear andcause their troops to falter, Franco again refused however after much negotiation it was agreed that if if in the unlikely event that Germany can halt both offensives from the East and West then Action will be taken against the allies. This however came to pass and Franco kept to his word, he was even more enthusiastic because of Turkey's entry into the war. The cause of war was officially announced as due to the French resistances actions to support the Communist Guirellas -where in fact it was the other way around- and that the Spanish government shall move into Southern France to pacify these Terrorists. Although the Main target is Gibralter, a victory there could be crucial to British Efforts and Now General Mola sits in command of Joint Iberian Forces to Enter Gibralter while Franco led Forces in Conjunction with the New Italian Government.
  3. May I participate as the Iberian Pact?
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