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Will Burnett

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Everything posted by Will Burnett

  1. If you guys want to test this out sometime, I'm down for a match almost anytime. Just send me a pm and I'll add you on steam or whatever.
  2. Well, I did a system restore and now it works again! It's gonna drive me crazy that I didn't figure it out in the first place though
  3. I was able to play dune2k perfectly with the tcp/ip patch last week, then I was configuring a different game to work and now dune doesn't work. I can't recall changing any system files are anything important, I think all I did was do some port-forwarding. Anyway, now when I try to run dune instead of the ip address select box popping up nothing happens. *Update* I did a little looking around, I'm pretty sure the problem has to do with Directplay and it's registries. I probably messed with them a bit when I was configuring other games that also use it. mechcommander gold, and crimson skies.
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