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  1. Wow, thank you! The attachment link is so small, that I simply didn't notice it ;) Apologizes for my dumb question...
  2. Hi guys! I have been keeping my eye on this thread for several months already, and first I would like to say that you're doing an awesome job! :) However, I'm actually posting to ask for help with the unhsq thingie... I didn't manage to compile the unhsq assembly code myself using different versions of tasm under dosbox (I don't have an access to a "real" DOS machine). If there exists a binary, could you please make it available to the public? The site at dev.java.net seems like a good place for this, right? See, I'm only interested in Dune music (I'm a big fan of Stephane Picq's works) and I'd like to play with the uncompressed agd/sdb files, maybe try to reverse engineer them. I also think the unhsq util may also be useful for the KGB tracks as well... That's why I'm asking for it :)
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