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Lance Boyle

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Everything posted by Lance Boyle

  1. Sorry for double posting... I seem to have answered my own question. I had to install the "Allegro" library in order to compile Bigs's dumphsq code (shouldn't it be called, "DumpUnp"? :P). I tried the program out on that MegaRace file that I uploaded that I assumed was an *.UNP file and surprisingly, I was right... it is a UNP file. It exported about a series of 12 or so images...unfortunately, the palettes are way off for the MegaRace images. All I get is a series of black images with little random gray pixels here and there on the image. Granted, MegaRace's sprites are a lot more complex than Dune's sprites, since almost all of MegaRace's sprites are all pre-rendered CGI. MegaRace's UNP file also use the 0x80 compression byte found in Dune's UNP files and the 0xFFFF after the palette offset.
  2. Is it possible for anyone to make a simple HNM player/viewer with that information from the link above? I would love to watch MegaRace and Dune videos outside of the game.
  3. I noticed a file in the "MEGARACE.DAT" called, "DFSDB.HSQ", that might be MegaRace's format file reader and player for MegaRace's currently unplayable *.SDB files. I have included a zip containing both the compressed "DFSDB.HSQ" and the uncompressed "DFSDB.___" generated by "UNHSQ". Maybe these files can help us out with the SDB file format. :) dfsdb-MegaRace.zip
  4. Can you ask if Remi has contact information to other Cryo programmers (Pascal Urro, etc.), or Stephane Picq? Also see if you can ask him if he knows anything about the "HERAD System" and see if that can help us with emulation with Dune's or MegaRace's music.
  5. I think there might be two problems with that. As you know, Dune's HSQ files are packed in the *.EXE, but in MegaRace, they're in a *.DAT file known as "MEGARACE.DAT". Fortunately, there is a program known as "Game Extractor" that unpacks the HSQ files from the DAT file. We just need to tell <b>UNHSQ.BAT</b> it doesn't need to look through the DAT file, it can just go to the HSQ files directly. The other problem is that when I typed in the DOS prompt, it said, "File not found" and I got this in the text file:<b> Volume in drive D is MEGARACE Volume Serial Number is 0794-E722 Directory of D: 0 bytes free</b> Did something go wrong? Nevertheless, I'll still send the text file and HSQ files to you via email. Sure thing, Borg Number One! ;)
  6. Hello everyone. My name is Max and I'm new to these forums. I am also the webmaster of RACEPRG, and I created those "MegaRace" RAW <b>captures</b>. The RAW format is only nothing but Raw Commands for the Yamaha OPL-2 chip; nothing more. While the RAW files are okay, I want the original music data from MegaRace and of course it's compressed in the *.HSQ file extension. The reason why I signed up is because I wanted to join in on your disscusion on Cryo's famous (or infamous if you will) HSQ compression. I want to play the music files (via AdPlug) from MegaRace and sadly there is not enough support. I looked for UNHSQ forever until I finally gave up around January. The other day I typed in "UNHSQ" in Google and your topic popped up! You don't know how happy I was when I found the source code to UNHSQ. But, when I assembled it and copyed Borg's BAT text, nothing happened! No files from MegaRace were extracted! Is this version of UNHSQ is only for Dune?
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