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  1. True or false, I think Brian and Kevin should have their hands cut off. What they have done to literature is akin to what Yoko Ono has done to music. If I wanted to read Roddenberry-caliber (read as: awful) writing I'd grab some Star Trek fan fiction. That's where their prosaic prose belongs. And much like fan fiction, Brian and Kevin's Dune books are contradictory to Frank's in almost every conceivable way. It seems like they derive most of their inspiration from David Lynch and crack. The news is in. Talent is not hereditary. It's no wonder that less people are reading Dune, when they are led to believe that these recent crimes against humanity are a fair sample of it. Now join me in burning every copy of House Atreides, House Harkonnen, House Corrino, Butlerian Jihad, and everything else they have written or will write. Let their names be erased from the book of life. Let their pens chip and shatter.
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