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    Just south of the desert of Indiana-caution wormsign
  1. Was it really? could it be that someone from 2 months ago travelled forward in time and reignted the fuse. Interestingly enough, that is true. Although I suspect they did it the long way, one second at a time.
  2. There are a lot of questions here, so just to make it interesting, let me add some more. If there is no God, does that mean that the universe accidently was created, the laws of Physics and Chemistry just happen to come about. Mustn't there be something that we don't understand that caused things to happen as they did? That doesn't say that any religion is right or wrong but it does pose questions that makes atheism hard to believe. I much rather say I don't know than say I know there is no force or being greater than ourselves. We know (as well as we can know) that hundreds of years ago humanity did not understand science as we do today, does that mean that we know nearly all of it or is humanity going to discover things so radically different in the next decades or centuries that will make everything we know look like the pagan rituals of the past? Or thinking today seems to dictate that if one religion is right than the outhers must be wrong. Maybe our thoughts are just so narrow that we can't see that maybe many are right at the same time and we can't see past the contradictions. We very well may not be culturally develope enough to see the truth or even the possibilities.
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