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  1. yes :) my precision.. well, still, it would be nice. maybe it could be turned on and off in options? Stefan, do you have an eta on Demo4? :) cant wait.
  2. Yes production queues :) that would be really nice.. I think it should be possible to create a huuuge army :) thats the way i like killing my opponents, and i think thats why stefan made the game, so it can handle a fair amount of units. hm, about the concrete. it would also be nice if it was possible to make the building you are placing, a bit sticky when moving it over a space of concrete that fits the building. god know how many times i have placed a 6xconcrete building besides the concrete because i was in a hurry ;) well, these are just suggestions. MrFlibble, i think i once had a version of Dune2 where there would be a notice if there wasnt enough concrete - but that was long ago, and i dont think i would do any good either way :)
  3. Hi stefan :) i would be nice to see a special function for building concrete. i would like to see that the gamer could select concete, and then just build - with delay of course. its really tiering when you have to go back and forth all the time to build enough concrete. also, it would be nice if it was possible to make your factories build unlimited trikes/tanks/infantery - or maybe just be able to build 5 og 10 at a time. it sux that you have to remember all the time to go back and select the thing you want to build again and again. this is just my oppenion :) hope you can make sence of what i am writing. cheers.
  4. Hi stefan :) i was the one who humbly asked for nightlies for about a week ago.. tho, when i asked, i didnt know that you would be putting demo3 out so soon after demo2. i was thinking, that it would be a pitty if there was several months between new versions, and therefore a nightly og weekly build would come in handy. if there is more than a month to the next release, i would gladly test a weekly build. i dont have enough time infront of my computer everyday tho.. my two cents :) ps. stefan, very nice work.
  5. Hi stefan :) i really liked the idea, and i think its a shame you didnt like it :) in some faint memory i remember one of the books about Dune where you could see two suns tho :) so the chance of night cant be that big :P I like the screenshots, but it seems like you can still see buildings and what happens, even tho there is no light. im thinking it would be nice instead of a circle, then the unit would have lights on their machines, the small trikes would have small lights and the siege tank would have many big lights :) but thats just me.. OT! higer screen res. :) i know that i doesnt come overnight. do you have any plans about it? or is it something you dont even like? how long do you think it would take? is it something that you could get from the DuneLegacy source?
  6. DuneFan, well, scrolling shouldent be a problem anymore since "- Scrolling is now timer based, not fps based. " i have pretty decent hardware, and i have no problems scrolling. but then again, i mostly use the keys instead of the mouse :) Stefan, i gave your DEMO another try yesterday, and maybe i was a bit too fast :) if i could save my games, i would say that D2TM is better than DuneLegacy. atm i have my computer running all the time and after each mission i Alt+TAB, then i wait awhile and play the next mission :P not the same thing as saving tho..
  7. heh :) strange, i seem to have read somewhere that D2TM used source code from Dune Legacy, nevermind then.. i guess you answered my question. heh :) come to think of it.. i clearly remember playing Dune2 for several months and really loving it :) seriously a classic.. after i had completed the game i used dune Dunedit to make a huge map with only rocks, and latter on only consisting og tiles :) would make great for a multiplayer map. i thought i was kinda dull that the scene always was set in the same old duneish place :) would be great with something else - but that idea can wait for another time. heh, also clearly remembering setting up realbot :P but that is also another story.. arhg :/ .. well, it depends on how you look at it. if you dont have anybody to play against in DuneLegacy it becomes REALLY boring rather fast. but it works (0.91b2) or whatever the newest win-version is called. I think that DuneLegacy has a decent AI. at least, i have no problems getting beaten by the AI (2-3 opponents on hard). also it keeps alot of the old gfx (let me get back to that later) and i have to admit i kinda love the high resolution. I downloaded your latest version yesterday and what i saw was a fairly worked through program, and it really looks nice :) it all seemed to work - i played to lvl 4 or 5 without problems of any kind (nice work) :) the new gfx is also really nice :) i really like the idea - but sometimes i miss the old ones. suggestion: would it be possible to put both models in there, so the user can change after own preference? also, the right side of the screen (the bar) it would also be real nice if the user could change how it looks. still both those things are not important atm. i like the new models, and i can easily live with them :) oh, another thing. i often felt that the enemy was kinda non-responsiv. some times they didnt even return fire :/ .. if you ask me which game that is most complete right now! i have to say Dune Legacy. i can sit down and play a skirmish map and just about everything works (i cant play campaign in the version i have). But ask me which project that has the largest potentiale, and i would have to say D2TM, and it even seems like it is close. Im really looking forward to when it is possible to change resolution and play the old Dune as it was intented, and trust me, you are on the right track :) i dont know how often you code, or how much trouble it would be :/ but i would like to see something like nightly builds. would that be impossible? dont know if i can wait another 2-3 months for another even greater DEMO :) okay.. that seems to be enough jappering. i'll give your DEMO another spin :) maybe i missed something.
  8. hm, i read what the reason was to "fork away" from Dune legacy "different goals". but stefan, i cant seem to grasp why? (and this is the part i do not get) why start you own clone that is still not playable, when DuneLegacy is close being complete. it even has multiplayer and a good working AI. wouldent be easier to work with? true, you have another design in the right side of the screen (and i love it), and the improved gfx on the buildings (love that too) but still :/ it seems to me that alot of effort is lost every time of start all over. plus that, it seems that Dune Legacy is going _really_ slow atm - thank god that there is still someone taking care of it tho :) I know that i could have missed something about this subject, or maybe im not thankfull enough for your effort, but I would rather have ONE working clone, than 2-3 small projects. please dont take my post as offending in any way, cos i have followed this project for a loooong time and i like what you have done :)
  9. wow :D gotta say that it is great to see how it all turned out. worth the wait for sure.. (have been waiting all day) there was a few things i would like to point out, but its late, and i forgot them :P but i _really_ like the new gfx in the game - i was afraid it would ruin the good old feeling - instead it has created a new almost better feeling :) so please, keep up the good work ;)
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