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Everything posted by Roman

  1. I do believe you ;) However, I think the reference to kursk.hsq is actually something which accidentally slipped out of Dune production and has nothing to do with Dune per say. It may be a remnant of the KGB game Cryo or music-producing team left there... btw. KGB uses other type of compression - SQX. I've yet to find the unpacker for them (RdosPlay contains it as well :-)).
  2. A quick note: AGD files are named after Adlib Gold, but they really are only OPL-3 chip music files. Adlib Gold card offered as the first card an OPL-3 chip. I don't really remember the location of the secondary port set and if it was located just after the first two Adlib port set (ie. 0x388, 0x389, 0x38A and 0x38B). I do remember, though, that Dune and its player used an interrupt handing routine within the player initialization, which extensively used Adlib Gold interrupt scheme. It was because of this initialization that other sound cards with OPL-3 chip did not work with the AGD player and had to stick with plain OPL-2 based SDB player. However, I remember having another card in those ancient times - the Sound Blaster Pro. This card offered OPL-3 chip as well. I've made sure RdosPlay initializes OPL-3 without using any strange (irq-based) techniques and thus worked well for SBPro as well as Adlib Gold card friend of mine had. Thus, when digitally emulating and/or directly playing music from Dune, I strongly encourage you to stick to AGD files - it's worth the added burden! SDB musics sound much worse sometimes (especially the intro music is much better in the OPL-3 version than the OPL-2 version)..
  3. Kursk is from KGB game, not from Dune. All tunes from KGB are: Burokrat.sqx Gorbi2.sqx Goulag.sqx Kursk.sqx (mentioned) Machine.sqx Paradise.sqx ... Actually, I don't really have the game with me now, but the list is here on my HD :-) sincerelly, Roman
  4. After some more thorough scan of my harddrive I've found an ancient private version of the UnHSQ utility.. Here we go, source code and the binary compiled 5 minutes ago ;D Feel free to try it :-) Compilation: tasm unhsq.asm tlink /t unhsq l8r, Roman [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
  5. Hello guys, I don't really want to disturb your nice conversation about me and what's been my history about 10 years ago, but ... :-)) There are some things I'd like to clarify (after reading the whole thread).. - RDOS is really a ®oman (DO)lejsi (S)oftware and has nothing to do with any OS of any kind or age :-) - I don't known anyone from the ZDoom team and if they used parts of RdosPlay (as I've understood from your discussion), they've done so without my knowledge and/or permission :-( - RdosPlay sources are lost forever in some old harddrive crash - this was the primary reason for stopping the development of RdosPlay at the time of 1997 - UnHSQ has never really been released apart from its inclusion in various other programs (RdosPlay, etc.) - And here is the HSQ depacker in 286 assembly (if you really need it, it's really not that heavyweight :-)): decomprime_hsq proc near push cx push di push ds push es pop ds mov dx, di add dx, cx mov cx, 6 mov si, di xor ax, ax @@1: lodsb add ah, al loop @@1 cmp ah, 0abh jne @@2 mov si, di lodsw mov di, ax lodsb or al, al je @@3 @@2: stc pop ds pop di pop cx ret push cx push di push ds add si, 6 xor bp, bp jmp @@4 @@3: lodsw mov cx, ax sub si, 5 mov bp, si add di, si add di, 20h add si, cx dec si dec di sub cx, 6 std shr cx, 1 jnb @@5 movsb @@5: dec si dec di rep movsw cld mov si, di add si, 2 mov di, bp xor bp, bp @@4: shr bp, 1 je @@6 jnb @@7 @@8: movsb jmp @@4 @@6: lodsw mov bp, ax stc rcr bp, 1 jb @@8 @@7: xor cx, cx shr bp, 1 jne @@9 lodsw mov bp, ax stc rcr bp, 1 @@9: jb @@12 shr bp, 1 jne @@10 lodsw mov bp, ax stc rcr bp, 1 @@10: rcl cx, 1 shr bp, 1 jne @@11 lodsw mov bp, ax stc rcr bp, 1 @@11: rcl cx, 1 lodsb mov ah, 0ffh @@13: add ax, di xchg si, ax mov bx, ds mov dx, es mov ds, dx inc cx inc cx rep movsb mov ds, bx mov si, ax jmp @@4 @@12: lodsw mov cl, al shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 or ah, 0e0h and cl, 7 jne @@13 mov bx, ax lodsb mov cl, al mov ax, bx or cl, cl jne @@13 pop ds pop di pop cx mov di, si sub di, 20h ret decomprime_hsq endp I'm really not that suprised you were unlucky finding it - it's quite short, isn't it? ;-) Feel free to ask me about anything you like ;-) l8r, Roman Dolejsi
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