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  1. All my drivers up to date. I've tried moving the sliders all over the place, no improvement. And Emperor still doesn't even show up. FH Dune works, but it moves mondo slow.
  2. Ok, well I got different results... The graphics are definitely better with FH Dune, but now its extremely slow. And with Emperor I get a C++ error with the new drivers installed and all.. So any ideas?
  3. Does anyone have a clue what I should do?
  4. Can you direct download the full version? All that's showing up is the torrent, and it timed out.
  5. Emperor won't run at all... I posted this in Emperor support but nobody's answered in a few days. I can't figure out what's going on, can someone help. The screen blinks black then I'm right back to the desktop, I've tried all the patches I could. I don't have NAV installed at all on my computer. I have the most up-to-date video drivers. here's my dxdiag... is there anyone that can help? Also my FH Dune the graphics are all screwed up its all blotchy and discolored in like 16 bit graphics. I don't know what to do... [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
  6. I don't know what else to do, I'm completely out of options here. Can anyone help at all?
  7. I get a game.exe error, and its nothing but a blank screen.
  8. here's my dxdiag [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
  9. I only have one DVD drive, and I tried the patch, nothing helps. The screen blinks, its like the monitor blinks I should say, and than it goes right back to the desktop its for like a split second thats it.
  10. Alright I now have the up-to-date video drivers, and the rest of the computer is running good, and even the internet is scrolling smoothly, but the games are still screwed up. Any ideas?
  11. Man I hope. I was thinkin about it too, and it definitely seems like my video card, because even the internet is funky, like if I scroll its all jerky, its not smooth, and even my other game FH Dune, the picture's all funky, its not crisp.
  12. I know there's a lot of these messages all over, but I've tried everything that's been posted. I have a p4 3.4ghz with a GeForce 4 5200 Soundblaster Audigy2 runnin XP I don't have norton on my comp at all. The game installs fine. I have Direct X 9. I go to play the game, and a black screen flashes then nothing happens, even if I wait 15 mins. Nothing Works!! HELP!!!! Please
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