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  1. Hi, I'm one of the developers of the Dutch dune 2000 browser game: www.dun3.nl. We are currently working on a newer version which also will be available in English. The international (english) version can be found here: www.dun3.com. As an answer to your question I can say that dune 2000 originally was created by Westwood Studios, and that they no longer exist. The rights on dune 2000 were taken over by EA Games. After we found that out we tried to contact them. We have proof that they didn't respond to our messages of using their copyrighted image material. Currently due to lack of time and possible free designers who want to model for us, we use these images until we can replace them with our own. So it's just a matter of time. Regards, Apocalypse Dun3 - Admin
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