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  1. Do you have specs and version number of the nvidia driver?
  2. Hurray!!!! It works. How? I downloaded newer Nvidia drivers. This time it works. Don't understand why, because the previous version wasn't that old. But anyway, I finally can work my way through Dune!
  3. @yoyoyo: The options -f and -g didn't solve the problem, it was the first I tried @gryphon: Thnx, I tried the omegadrivers. Unfortunately it didn't work.
  4. Can you explain what you mean with "the Omega ones"?
  5. Same problem here!! I have tried everything I could think of, compatibilitymodes, screenadjustments (resolution and colordepth), disable directX accellerations, download patches.... all to no effect. Anyone another suggestion? Specs: AMD Athlon XP1800+, MMX, 3D Now, 1.5 GHz 512 Mb RAM NVIDIA Geforce2 MX/MX 400 Liteon H15ANC WIN XP SP2 DirectX 9.0c
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