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  1. Thanks spazelord and eid for your quick reply and your help the game is now all up and running. Thanks again hope to see you in game sometime soon. ;D
  2. Hi all long time no see ;D felt like installing EBFD again and have a game but for sum reason my genuine CD key is not accepted by the XWIS so when I log into the server it just drops out is there anyone that can fix this problem for me on the server side? Copy of XWIS readout nick: sprinter server: xwis.net:4000 ( : 375 u :- Login to XCC Online failed! : 372 u :- : 372 u :- Dune 2000: http://dune2k.com/ : 372 u :- : 372 u :- Your serial number is invalid. You should reinstall the game (using a valid serial). : 372 u :- Server: Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge; SID: -1; Nick: sprinter; : 376 u : 607 my msn is still skippy258@hotmail.com Thanks all hope to have a game with you all when this is fixed cya's
  3. If this also adds as a patch to the game i would give it a go maybe normal games be played on RA server and the modded one on the backup server XWISC I do not not now anyway i would give it a go as the game dose need something to spice it up and give new players a chance to have a far go. thanks for your time all let me know what you think.
  4. hi i add all the names in all 9 pagers and only about 2 of the people on this list in the 9 pagers still play Emperor Battle For Dune. So i was woundering Re-erjin999 can you lock this thread and we start a new one as i spent hours adding all the names to msn to find out it was a wast of time. Some of the people still use the msn they posted but they no longer have EBFD installed or the other players were to rude to them or just because never get a chance to learn the game because the main players are too good so they give up and uninstalled the game. I have gotton 2 people to reinstall the game but that is it. Anyway let me know if its a bad idea or a good one to start a new thread for this Thanks for your time all.
  5. if you wish to see if anyone is online go tho this web page it will tell you who is online and when they loged in i seen you log in so you have not done anything wrong just no one was online at the time. hope to see you ingame some time.
  6. Hi all just got all the info worked out and was playing on the BACKUP SERVER XWIS server and now i have got the right ip for the RA1024 SERVER worked out but i am getting a time out in the chat room then 2 secs later i see the RA tag when i leave the chat room i can not use any part of the system e.g like host add buddys and also can not see and games. Is this because i am new to the server and the system has not loged my info ?? I ask this because it is strange as i had no problem on the XWIS server i could host and use all the system tools. Also should everyone start useing the back up server XWIS till the bug on the RA server is worked out?? Any info on how to get this to work would be ever so greatfull, if i do not get a reply to this i will email RA1024 ( ra1024@atlbiz.com ) but was hoping i could get the problem fixed on the forums to help all newbes to the game since WOL shut down many years ago. EDIT: After waiting 10 min and getting another time out i got to use the host tag but when i click on it a error comes up( channel creation fail )?? this is on RA server.
  7. my hotmail is skippy258@hotmail.com game name will be sprinter hope to battle with you all soon ;D
  8. Thanks for that info Re-erjin999 as i needed to know all that info to even install the game. the only thing is i do not know if i have set up my host file right. Text file attached to the post. plz let me know if i have done this wrong. EDIT: I have worked out how to get on RA server but having time out problem ( i have added a post to the time out thread ) thanks to all the people that looked into this problem for me. hosts.txt
  9. Hi i would love to play EBFD but for some resion when i put in my genuine key it says it is not legel this was 6 months ago i tryed to play it last as i did not play the game for about 4 years as i started to play delta force black hawk down, then played battlefield 2. I am a player fron the old days and my old game names were skippy260 or john66doe also i started a clan MHH ( midnight head hunters) i only had 4 clan members so we were not well known I use to rank 3 to 7 in the world of dune. ( this is a post i made meny years ago i would use this account but have lost my password and changed my email address many times since then http://dune2k.com/forum/index.php?topic=7789.0. Is there anyway of proving i have a genuine key. Gobalopper if there is any way you can fix this problem i would be ever so greatfull i can send you photos of my cds and my CD cover with my real cd key if you wish to email me as i really miss this game and the 3 to 4 hour fights still to this day no other game have ever givem me the same challange. But back to topic i would love to play online as soon as i can get my copy to work online again.
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