Hi all just got all the info worked out and was playing on the BACKUP SERVER XWIS server and now i have got the right ip for the RA1024 SERVER worked out but i am getting a time out in the chat room then 2 secs later i see the RA tag when i leave the chat room i can not use any part of the system e.g like host add buddys and also can not see and games. Is this because i am new to the server and the system has not loged my info ?? I ask this because it is strange as i had no problem on the XWIS server i could host and use all the system tools. Also should everyone start useing the back up server XWIS till the bug on the RA server is worked out?? Any info on how to get this to work would be ever so greatfull, if i do not get a reply to this i will email RA1024 ( ra1024@atlbiz.com ) but was hoping i could get the problem fixed on the forums to help all newbes to the game since WOL shut down many years ago. EDIT: After waiting 10 min and getting another time out i got to use the host tag but when i click on it a error comes up( channel creation fail )?? this is on RA server.