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Death bRinger

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  1. Death bRinger

    Diablo 2

    Hey I played Diablo 2 online once it was in Battle.net North america.. I'm Lvl 49 necromancer.. whats the best skill for necro?? Poison nova or Blood golem?? I wanna play online... Give me the IP address and gonna play...
  3. what space game you played??? Does anyone here Play Homeworld 2? I need the best strategy how to save my fleet... Man!!! Those Harvesters are really costly plus it takes a lot of time to harvest meteors and stuff...
  4. Hey does anyone here play Homeworld One and Two??? I want some hints and tips how to win and raise my Fleet??? Since this is The Gaming forum it might be ok to say that Homeworld is the best game ever!!!
  5. Well I have to say that LOTR battle for middle earth is quite the suck game it has many setbacks and disadvantages...... Like there are many units plus there is no special weapons plus it really is hard to beat specially when your opponent has a wall.... Guess i'll just stick to Dune and starcraft....
  6. Honestly of all topics you have to go to this forum (sigh) I fear that thisd would end you.... :(
  7. HEY HEY HEY!!!! I'm back from my long vacation trip!!!! Just found lots of COOL games in JAPAN!!!! Specially that LORD OF THE RINGS BATTLE FOR MIDDLE EARTH!!! I wish though that westwood and EA would release a new DUNE....
  8. Yeah i'm still virgin!!! (hehehe i'll keep this to myself!!) Well for me Gaming is the ultimate pleasure!!! Evne though I have my Girlfriend and bedmates their nothing compared to Games.... Gaming gives me that rush that makes me feel ALIVE!!! (it also makes me cum when I see Yuna (final fantasy X-2) changing to her battle outfit in FFX2) Well real sex has it's disadvantage... You can have AIDS, STD, HIV, and other genital disieses!!! (if you don't have the proper condom!! Hehehe!!)
  9. Bi La Kai Fa!!! New Topic!!! Which one do you like best??? And explain why??? DON't GIVE ANY STUPID ANSWERS!!! REALLY SERIOUS!!! PC GAMES??? OR SEX?? GIVE IT YOUR BEST ANSWER!!!! POST ANSWERS RIGHT AWAY YOU HOARDSS!!! This will continue till I Have enough answers!!! (but if you tell me... PC is much more better than sex... Who needs real pleasure when you have your PC... Can you imagine howmuch pleasure PC games bring??? (in my point of view) PC rules!!!)
  10. Hehe Never Heard Of Ascendancy??? want me to send you this game??? Even though its MS-DOS game it really kicks ass!!! 400kb total requirement or more i think.... Let's Continue on the Poll... Bi La Kai Fa!!! Which one do you like best??? And explain why??? PC GAMES??? OR
  11. Hey there !!!! Just logged on very hot topic now eh!!! Well i think Generals Really sucks!!! SC is very good the best Blizzard can offer!! Has anyone played Ascendancy???? This game really FUCKING KIKCK ASS HARD!!! IT BENT MY DICK HARD!!!! VERY GOOD GAME WITH REALISTIC GRAPHICS AND BRUTAL AND BLOODY EROTIC BATTLES AND MANY UNITS TO COMMAND!!!! Please post more!!!!!
  12. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Hey There again!!!! Logging Out now.... If anyone want to know what games I know post your message here!! I know lots of games, strategies, cheats, tips, walkthrough and codes.. For PS2 gamers out there! I know Final Fantasy X and X2 cheats and full walkthrough. Just post your message and E-Mail address and i'll send it via E-Mail in 3 days after your post... Kingdom hearts Walkthrough, Megaman X7 cheats, Castlevania: Lament Of Innocence, Soul Caliber hints, and Medal Of Honor Cheats and walkthrough also available.. Ti'll then!!! Keep on posting!!!
  13. What Game is dat??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Console or Pc???? Well if you can post a screenshot of it let's see if it rates up to the 5 star games or the "DICK sucking Loser games!!!!"
  14. Oh hey there spectral paladin... well this is still about games and stuff just say what yah want and we'll fit it in!!! So you like fighting games better??? You said close combat? Like Tekken? Soul Caliber? Mario Smash Brothers? Etc..... Well for me fighting games are nice but Soul Caliber is the best!!!! Anyone here knows Chaos Legion??? (pc)
  15. Well Let me tell you which is the best in my opinion... PC: Advantages... Can store and install all the games that you want but to a limit depending on the memory of your drive.. Can also play MP3 and Video files. Can also see what the CD game contains. Also never lose your save file data.. Disadvantages.... If your computer breaks down all the games you installed are lost.. (except if you have the game CD) Lags so much if you installed to much games... Requires many hardware and software.. Consumes more energy.. Higher radiation level.. Too bulky and takes up space.. while Playstation: Advantages: Can play any PS games you want... Can play MP3 files and audio files also... Store save data on a memory card.. Cheaper and efficient... Takes up little space at all... No memory limit. Never lags.. Never Restarts.. Never corrupts Can also connect to the internet. (ps2) Disadvantages: Very few games to play and you can't play especially "EMPEROR BATTLE FOR DUNE!!!!" Not very popular... Easily breaks if fell or moisted.. Limited data saving space... Needs a T.V. to play (duh!!!) Many cords and wirings!!! Limited programs... And Especially "NO EMPEROR BATTLE FOR DUNE!!!" :O :O :O :O :O
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