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  1. Im in big Bnet clan, 200+ members always... Anyways Bnet is cool but sucks at same time. The bnet way meh has developed into this chaotic clan struggle left and right. Sure you COULD go play the old games, which are STILL fun especially with the great mapmakers out there and the custom maps they make (theres some pretty random stuff). However now clan politics comes into play, alliances and enemies are important. Warring/Flooding is big/rampant, you could make an enemy along ur clans path, and suddenly find ur channel being flooded with spam 24/7, ur site and forums all jacked up, and suddenly, someone got ops in the channel and has tagbanned UR clan, there goes ur clan. yeah, Bnet has been cracking down on the Warring which has basically stopped the warring now, so its a really wierd moment of peace in Bnet right now, lot less flooding and all with the new patch n all. Cant say im TOO pleased, i liked it that way =) was in the forein Affairs dpt of our big ol clan. Were gon stick round but its funner with the blatent warring, now we will jus have to stick to our old fashioned stealing accounts and protecting against trojans and spies n all that crap we shouldnt have to deal with with GAMES! Gah Bnet has gotten to serious, hence why im taking a break now that ive found EMP.
  2. Hey everyone jus got registered to this forum, big dune fan, and to my suprise here I find this lovely politics/philosophy/religion board... My god its beautiful, no flaming or nothing... Plus I dont hear the term COMMIE GO BACK TO RUSSIA, every time I use the word proliteriat... and thats always good. So as for the examples of socialism (not yet to communism though) there are some successful examples. First, sweden. Now many leftists (im farrr left so dont complain you lefties out there) use Sweden as the poster child of Socialism and would be communism. However sweden is no paradise, its generally clean and its not falling apart, so yes it is a succesful country. http://www.lewrockwell.com/dieteman/dieteman33.html Very good example of how sweden is not all the left makes it out to be, its just one account and not a big picture or very broad, but its another point of view you don't see every day. Now I dont agree with most of the ending of that paper in that it seems to give the worst of socialism/communism with the best/dream state of capitalism. Capitalism is not "Hey we will all work to make this country great!" Hell I would say capitalism dosnt have much to do with what makes america america except the economy and even then we arnt the strongest when it comes to international economics. Nationalism is what makes america what you see in every friggin commercial in this country. "Patriotism", same thing as nationalism. Thats not bad in any way, it produces loyalty, blind faith in the government, hell it produces most everything a country needs to keep going. Also Russia, some of the reason (as stated earlier if I recall) that it failed so miserably you might say, is that it was one large communist nation in a world of capitalist governments that would do anything to stay in power. All those anti-communist acts back in trumans days had nothing to do with protecting us from communists, it was to protect corperations and the capitalist controlled government from a political system that would basically abolish them. Basically what im saying it USA VS USSR back in the cold war is not a portryal of true communism vs true capitalism. Just to clear that up, im sure most of you had reached that point yourselves however to often im encountered by some rightwing american telling me the USA won the cold war so therefor capitalism will always be better. As for the technilogical development correlating to the development and sucess of socialism... No i wouldnt think so. Yes that would solve the point that humans SEEM to be habitually lazy and greedy, hell just make the robots do it, I dont want to take out the trash. But then we'd end up being hollow shells of our former civlizations and would probobly end up like the Matrix, Minus the revolution/zion/neo. To put it frankly it'd suck. However it is plausible that socialism could help develop many south american and african countries. A sudden switch anywhere else would be basically impossible at this point. (You couldnt suddenly make G.B. Socialist and expect it to work) An example of this is Venezuela under President Hugo Chavez. 2 views The Right: http://www.fightthebias.com/Resources/Rec_Read/Dictator_In_The_Making.htm The Left: http://www.socialistworker.co.uk/article.php4?article_id=5826 Wikipedia/Friggin Encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Ch%C3%A1vez So you can decide for youself on what to think about the developing socialist Venezuela. However now Im tired of typing on this subject and am gonna go play some more emperor since I just found/installed that game again. Edit by Edric: fixed link URL
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