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  1. Ur saying that the screen is off set? That your side meny is a bit offscreen or that the top menus is offscreen? Because this is the problem I have. If this is the problem you had and you have a fix for it, let me know. Also, I don't understand the attachments in posts here, I cant open or download them, or see them for that matter?
  2. I downloaded the 1.6 patch after finding the old Dune 2000 cd under some stuff. It's been lying there since 98. Anyways, thought it would be fun to play again but when I hooked it up the screen was all crocked. It was stretched from top to bottom and was more to the left than centred. I am sure you Dune2000 wizkids know how to solve this easy problem. I tried lower the resolution but that didnt work either. What to do?
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