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Everything posted by Boondocksaint

  1. I hop on my comp to plaY Emp around 3-4pm for like an hour and 8 ish EST and no one has any games going
  2. welcome fellow noob
  3. ive been outta town the last copule of days.... i want to play a little online this weekend but I am unable to create an xwisc username. am i missing something... thnxs (im a nub plz help) ty
  4. dude i honestly have no idea hopefully some of the vets will awnser :O
  5. a fellow nub welcome. Im new here to, perhaps we can scrim sometime traveler. :D
  6. on a side note any of you guys use TS
  7. hey guys...
  8. I havent had many probs vs worms in my skirmishes vs. the med-hard comps.
  9. I love hark... however their inability to repair is very frustrating... gotta agree with Jeff all houses should have a means of repair. My emp copy arrived today ;D, since i was an avid Ra2 player back in the day; I can agree to adding a light machine gun on top of the harvy, the gun should be able too mow down infantry and do minor damage to heavily armored units. someone said two more subhouses just as effective as my sards and fremen, not a bad idea Give the sards a tank for shits and giggles :D Ordos need good defensive turrets, and sure why not give them a gunship/ornithiper type unit as well. AA increased for all sides except ordos.
  10. oops ... amazon wont ship to canada.. that sux... i cant help u dude
  11. I am American but he can still order from here. Order the 29$$ copy it is (brand new) really cheap also i wasnt complaining about price. It is probably around 40 something Canadian for him, so it aint that expensive.. The American dollar has taken a beating to the Euro :-[. F*** bush, he's friggen retarted
  12. some friggen shipping foul up... it better come by the 29th.. you owe me canadian, we can be fellow noobs, havent played in years :P
  13. dude recentley ordered emp, go here. the shipping sux.. but it should be here by the 29th http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/offering/list/-/B000056KDY/new/ref%3Dolp%5Ftab%5Fnew/002-7285868-9185600
  14. still waiting for my emperor to come...
  15. i havent thought of one yet. ill set it all up when the game comes.
  16. thnx alot hope to be on soon (mid next week) <3 the sardukar
  17. i played emperor for a couple of months when it 1st came out, loved the game; i however left the emperor scene because of my inferior computer, the gameplay seemed quite sluggish and it became no fun and boring since it took a long awhile for my units to cross the map. It's been 5 years, I recentley ordered the game again because i lost my old cds. Emperor should arrive mid next week. ***Comp now, 2 gigs ram, 9800 radeon pro, i will easily handle this game now compared to my last comp *** Ill be a noob no dout just wondering if i could get some help with strats and what not. help learning the factions (strenghts, and weaknesses) would be greatly appreciated also.. mind hooking me up with xwix? where can i get this hope to be on soon thnx
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