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Everything posted by duneaddict

  1. duneaddict


    Hey everyone I grew up on Dune then dune 2 then dune 2000 and now im eagerly waiting the arrival of dune 2 the maker I dont care how long it takes to be done. however I do have a question is there gonna be a Skirmish option available along with the Campaign?
  2. hey could you put cheat codes into the game? please please ;D
  3. AWESOME JOB keep up the good work CANT WAIT until its done....keep it going...
  4. The new Dune 2 the maker the redo of it is awesome. I love how much detailed everything is. It rocks
  5. I love the new look of the dune 2 clone.
  6. I was just thinking and It would be the BEST if dune
  7. Dune 2 The Maker is the best Clone of Dune 2. I Grew up playing Dune 2 on an old 486 PC. I never thought that someone Could come close to Dune 2 the Original. I was surfing for on the net and came across the demo for Dune 2 the maker demo and I love it cant wait for the full game to come out P.S. I love the dune series Good Jong stefan.
  8. Hello everyone I came across Dune 2 the maker. I downloaded it from http://arrakis.dune2k.com/ it was worth it to download it good job Stefan Hendriks for bringing back the dune 2 era. I truly am addicted to the dune 2 the maker demo and will download or buy the full version when it become full.
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