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Everything posted by djast

  1. I have to apologize for my rather brute saracasm, I got carried away because I am somehow dissapointed of the newer Dune books especially the prequels wich I honestly hate. Except probably House Harkonnen. Can't tell you why but it seemed a bit better to me then House Atreides or House Corrino (the worst Dune book I know). But one thing seems to me fundamentaly true: Somehow you always prefer those books/movies/games that you read first because they are actually those books wich you like or don't like and depending on that opinion you read all the others or not. Sure there are some excepitions and you someone might prefer eg God Emperor of Dune to Dune but maybe thats because they aren't that much different from a stylistic point of view whereas the BH/KA are quite different to the FH books. So if you like the prequels and legends for their space battles, heavy action and intrigue-free plot (which is really OK by me since I alway accept and prefer different opinions) it's no wonder that you can't stand the origninal saga for they are different. Just some facts about my Dune experiences: At the age of about 11 I played the Cryo Dune (the first computer game) and loved it right from the start playing it more than any other game at that time. Then I saw the David Lynch movie at the age of 12 (One of the most intense memories I have of first seeing the film is beeing frightened of the Harkonnen heartplug and the navigator). When I was 16 I read the complete Dune-Saga in one go almost without a break and those books made me think about a lot of things like eg God and Beeing Human etc. Now it's your guess which Dune stuff I like the most and why...
  2. Why should they stop after Dune 7 if there are still enough people who are willing to pay for such undunesque books like the prequels or the legends? Don't get me wrong: those books aren't a awfully bad read but they have almost nothing in common with dune except the names. For me they were always some kind of alternative world, a "What if?" for they are full of inconsistencies and rather unnecessary additions. But back to the topic: I have a vision... a vision of a neverending story, a story contained not in 6 books, not in 9 or 12... a story contained in something times 10 books (make something about 3 or 4 or more) containing every second of the duniverse from today (why stop going into the past at the Butlerian Djihad?) to the end of all things (alltough it never has to end, has it?), something like Perry Rhodan but with 6 realy good books inbetween which will be totally forgotten and ignored for there are so many other exciting plots in that "Endless Chronicles of Dune". Who wouldn't show great interest in how the first sandworm got his first bellyache because he ate something wrong? How about descriping Omnius travels through deep space through the milennias? Or how about revealing Paul Atreides first words? Do they really have to tell EVERY single idea they come up with? Can't they leave some things to the imagination of the reader? Why don't they focus on their own "universes"? They don't have to stick with dune, have they? I would have enjoyed the Legends series so much if it wasn't for all those stupid plot inconsitencies. Seperateted from Dune it would have been a good book. Not a great or even perfect book but so much more entertaining. And reading about the "Paul of Dune" idea I just really really pray that they write Dune 7 first and really really soon for those two books (Hunter and Sandworms) are the only books I wanted in the first place...
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