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Everything posted by Professor-Botje

  1. I don't know mutch of this kind of editors manly, i was editing Half-Life and CStrike maps. But now a view days we are here playing Dune2000, yes years ago we played dune2 emerior isn't that what we had expect. But now i want to edit a cool map for Dune2k but, i installed shai-hulud 2000 that was no problem, dho :) but mij editor is for the haf in black and with, i mean the blocks whare you make the map with: what do i wrong? if i make a scransjot wth the map editors F11 than the colors are fine.
  2. Lets introduce my selvs, ( sorry for my bad englisch :) ) I'm Joop Sterke, 21, from the Netherlands. Holland. I host a few websites: www.Professor-Botje.nl is the main site of my, Its a site with som info over some old servers ive got in the past few jears. all in Dutch, Then als second site ive got, www.TilboLAN.com, Tilbo coms from Tilburg, its the Citty whare im living. and LAN is from Local area network, ofcourse this site is build/writen for all who want to go to al LAN in Tilburg. this site isn't up to date and it won't be updated in the vew past weeks. its now frezing out her so a LAN isn't the best we can do now. Than ive got a website www.schematheek.com, This site has a big libery of electronic schematics/curcuits. but needs a big update :) then i host for a frend of my www.Jongerenkerk.com, a churtsh? i don't know how to spell :) but it's a little site for all members and who is working for it. than i run http://Lanparty.troep.com this site is mynes to, this site is based on "Rent a switch for youre LAN". so only some switches can you find her for rent, need a update to :) if thats nog enough for my to update i own www.Eloktronicabeurs.nl to, this is a site, mayby not online becouse its just online for a few day's, wish is for all Electronic events in the Netherlands. Then i have http;//CZ.troep.com ( www.troep.com is of a friend of my ) cz.troep.com is a site for my and a few friends who go to www.campzone.nl, this is the master outdoor LAN event in Holland. on my site version can we find information whitch is importand for us as LANGANG :) http://ufs.professor-botje.nl thats an old site of a Counter-Strike clan were i was inn. its still online but not uptodate. http://files.professor-botje.nl, this "site" is only for files i used in a form replay so the pics and data wil be online for ever, and not that after a few weks the pcs of data can't be downloaded ennymore. http://dkt.professor-botje.nl is a CLAN site witch im supporting to, thay are peuple from 12 to 17 and aren't able to rent a server for thare clan servergames and site. if thats not the end, http://datasheets.schematheek.com thare we can find a big lib for datashees. http://aaken.troep.com thats a site with photo's of aaken, its a citty in germany, we were thare with school as a gast @ Philips and Siemens for electronica stuff, im lurning for electric engenier. http://kopen.professor-botje.nl thare i sell somtimes my old stuff. www.weerstand.tk is a horeble site of a friend of my :) electronic to. and now iam mirroring this site :) and finaly its a big FTP for more than 25 acounts. and a anonymous
  3. yes i was looking for the Map editor for Dune2k, not the mod. sorry for mij bad english, i come from Dutch, Holland, The Netherlands... 1 country so manny names :-D Ive got a 3ware raid array, 4x200Gb 4x80Gb. so i thnink that de downloads, 1,2Gb will fitt in de drive arrays :) email my for detals. gerards Joopy, Professor-Botje
  4. I wanted to download SHAI HULUD from the site but i can't get it, Downloads ar now 2 weeks offline? mebay i can host the file's on files.professor-botje.nl my file-server on gigabit wan connection ?
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