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sinjski barbarin

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    Rijeka, Croatia
  1. Well, if anyone of you other DUNE fans will be interested, here is my cast list... Charles Mesure as Duke Leto Atreides Renee O'Connor as Lady Jessica James McAvoy as Paul Muad'Dib Ian McKellen as The Baron's Doctor Bernard Hill as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen Brendan Fraser as Feyd-Rautha Sean Astin as The Beast Rabban Christopher Lee as Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. Max von Sydow as Gurney Halleck Ian Holm as Thufir Hawat Ornella Muti as Reverend Mother Ramallo Maggie Smith as Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam Keira Knightley as Chani Timothy Dalton as Dr. Wellington Yueh Ewan McGregor as Nefud Kiefer Sutherland as Piter De Vries David Wenham as Liet-Kynes Gerard Butler as Stilgar Miranda Otto as Princess Irulan P.S. Your comments, either good or bad, are most welcome, so let's see who agrees and who disagrees with my choice of actors for new 'DUNE'...
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