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  1. Just a note to emprworm - you're the type of person that gives a country like Canada a bad name. It's obvious that you're oblivious and completely ignorant to what's going on in Canada and around the world because if you had any sense at all you would realize the damage that America has done to say for example - Europe. Let's go back just around 6 years ago... what was it America bombed, oh thats right an elementary school, good thing it was a Saturday. All America seems to care about is getting there first, they're like a bully, wanting to throw the first punch. If America took the time to research and actually figure things out before just acting on impulse the world would be a better place. Instead of assuming that they were bombing a a building filled with bombs and explosives and rebels... give me a break. If Europe bombed an American school America would probably attempt to blow Europe right out of the ground - and I mean come in this was Clinton... don't even get me started on Reagan or the Bushs! >:( P.S. The majority of Canadians hate Bush and what he's doing to our country and the rest of the world so I'd suggest that you change your attitude real fast if you want to live peacefully here. If you don't like it go and kiss Bush's ass in your own country.
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