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Everything posted by theProphet

  1. bravo dunenewt...excellently said.
  2. aye thats understandable about you liking the first things youve read often enough, and I agree House Harkonnen was the best of the prequals...i think it may be because that it made Leto look more human instead of unbeatable as he was in the first and last of the 3, and also because of the scheming and just brutal Harkonnen plots, with Rabban and the Baron. It really seemed head
  3. please dont insult my intelligence sir. Im a 2 time war veteran myself, and these are NOT simple concepts: my favorite example is how at the end of Dune a group of sardukar and the baron's men lay defeated by the fremen, who won the battle. When the next book start Paul is a tyrant and millions lay dead and billions enslaved. Even with the wierding way and the atredies training, it seems defending a hostile environment that you are use to is one thing, but to take a vastly inferior force and conquer the entire universe, and convert them forcibly at gunpoint to his religion is another... I wouldnt consider the defeat of billions by a small number of elite desert fighters in a few decades a childs concept, would you? Yes its obvious that it happened, but I would think the story of how would be interesting. Its not that I cannot tell what Frank means, i would just like to read how sir.
  4. heh yeah nice 2 see a few around our age as well I read the 2 books following dune...well half of the 2nd, as it just really wasnt working for me, just found it dull and i couldnt understand why FH seemed to constantly skip over the explainations i needed or the parts in the story i found really crucial to know. AKA Paul's Jihad etc.
  5. right andrew, I heard of the games, then watched the miniseries and was really fascinated with the depth of the empire, the action and intrigue of the books. I then read Dune, Heretics, and COD, and honestly found them quite confusing, way to heavy on the intrigue and just not the books i thought they'd be. The house books (first 3 prequals) really drew me into the books more, House Harkonnen is my favorite sci-fi book period. I think that the 2nd set werent nearly as good, but i still thought they were pretty fun. And yes, as a 22 year old, kind cymek, im older in years but was reffering 2 how long you liked the Duniverse, as im new to that.
  6. just wanted to speak clearly, I find it admirable that you older fans stuck by the genre even though it lied dormant for years...just wanted u 2 know that the newer fans like myself were brought in and hooked on the prequals and miniseries and games and all the "New Dune" (rather then McDUne) stuff, and the whole trashing of them makes it rather difficult for the newer fans 2 relate 2 you kind sages. I personally did not like any of Frank's books beyond the original "Dune" I found his sequals about as fun a read as some technical manual and i like the warfare and I like hugely broad concepts explained 2 me. Still im not insulting your views, nor do i wish u to change them, like what u like, hate what u hate, just please allow us newbies the same courtesy please.
  7. Granted im one of the newer fans and like the prequals and such, but I always thought a book explaining how Paul could have went from savior to tyrant via his conquering army, which still is a concept I cannot understand, golden path be damned. I wanted to see how the fallen Corrino empire reacted, with the Sardukar im sure getting a few more battles with the Fremen and such. Really I find the intersteller war one of the best aspects of the series...(and while some of you sages would brand me juvenile cause of the emphasis on such things in the "offshoots of dune" namely Star Trek and Star Wars"...Dune does everything better...so I wanna see it) While the other ideas dont exactly thrill me, I didnt like the Butlerian Jihad idea at first either. SO let me ask you to not judge the work of said authors till its out...and secondly at least the series isnt dead...if you want to rant and rave on the merits of a series that was cool at the time but tis now dead there are plenty of "Tekwar" or "Highlander" boards out there...but new material means more chances things will eventually be done right, despite the few things that are done wrong...(AKA Sci-Fi Miniseries)....Kind Sages of Arrakis...I rest my case.
  8. Ok...i Know this is a sci-fi thing and as a fan brought in my the Mini-Series, I yield to the knowledge of you hardcore dune fans...But as a Soldier in the US army...I can pretty much tell u how inefficent war is even when it is the only solution. I would think Paul could have...with his prescience, and his virtues and codes handed down to him by his father and mother, come up with a better way to save the human race without killing off half of it. I mean forgive me if im dense here...but couldnt he have just ordered his heirs to continue in his mission to make sure humanity stays creative and productive without violence. He was the emporer of the universe...The Atredies family has always been noble and would follow whats best for mankind...I myself, if I were pall, would say *#@! the Golden path...lets follow MY path. I would try and make such concerns of humanity known throughout the empire, to the Guild, BG, and the Houses...Thus assuring that at least u shall be remembered as one who was a visionary...Yet Leto II insured that all his noble forbearers basically be branded as tyrants as he. Forgive me, but is this whole FH story for lack of better term "whack" or am I missing something. I yield to the knowledge of you illuminaries!!
  9. any of you ever disappointed with the whole golden path thing? I kinda think that causing death 2 millions in order to save em is pretty freaking dumb when you already have all the power in the universe...just a thought.
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