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Everything posted by zhahaman2001

  1. yea it was a real pain in the ass but i got the online to work and i will be on alot now (my nickname on it is zhahaman )
  2. i cant becuase then i would not know if my base where being attacked or something you know i need the sound and i just want to switch there songs with mine
  3. nvm i found it and if it helps anyone els you can make nick names for online play at http://renchat2.westwood.com/cgi-bin/cgiclient?live_ren_register&request=expand_template&Template=newreg_menu.html
  4. also i couldnt find it at frist but you can make nick names for online game play at http://renchat2.westwood.com/cgi-bin/cgiclient?live_ren_register&request=expand_template&Template=newreg_menu.html
  5. how can i make a new nick name and pass for dune 2000 the shitty thing for it wont work :( and my friends uses dunexbird and i want to play now:( lol HELP!!!! FAST!!!!! PLZ!!!!!!
  6. im a rocker i like rock and i would like it if it would play my music instead of theres
  7. zhahaman2001


    lol i think i might try online..... i just dont like loseing lol :( o well i will be trying it soon
  8. i love dune i play it all the time but i HATE THE MUSIC alot so i want to convert some of my mp3s into .aud files anyone know where i chould go to do this?
  9. ok shy i will do that instead of all this work , and also i tryed the dune edit 98 it is good and all but.. i think i need a program that can read and edit dune2000.dat like word pad (dont work) any one know of any thing like that
  10. ok well im going to i just need a dune2000.dat editor that ediots it in scripting
  11. ooo thx but........... as soon as i load the program i got this "Editing Dune 2000 can easily render the game unstable. Adding units and buildings is impossible." lmao thats what i want to do! add units and buildings :(
  12. if it works good ...and you got a copple of mins and i have the links to download that and the plug in
  13. ok, also i want an editor that can edit dune200.dat any one know a good one?
  14. i downloaded it and every thing and it say load dune200.dat and when i do it says wrong file size
  15. srry that link didnt work .... and the no cd patch will make it so he can play all the game just the same as if he had the cd right?
  16. ok my friend has tons of room on him pc and he always has my dune 200 cd but i want it to so i tryed coppying every thing right to his pc from the cd but it knows i did this and now its saying its a "spawn" coppy and he cant play it ... is there any patches or anything for that?
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