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Everything posted by jasonspaz

  1. just download the app http://www.gameranger.com/ It will see that you have Emperor installed on your PC. All you have to do is host or join a game. That simple. Check it out
  2. Ok so I have Xwis and Gameranger installed on my PC and it appears that both servers support Emperor. If there are any players left? Where do you guys play and how can I get online with you. Take Care Jason
  3. I suspect many will be happy with this news. I would of liked to see a new Dune movie as it may have paved the way for a new Dune RTS game. Oh well I guess it is better off Jason http://movies.ign.com/articles/115/1157166p1.html
  4. http://movies.ign.com/articles/113/1133104p1.html I kinda wish the new movies would center on the Machine Crusade novels. Actually I want a new movie to spark intrest in a new RTS strategy DUNE game. Take Care Jason
  5. I found this server while trying to find a method to get online with Ahe Of Empires 2. Once I joined the server lobby I was shoked to see that Emperor was a supported game in the drop down menu. Try out this server it seems to wok good. http://www.gameranger.com/
  6. Just got the game going. Months back I could not get the xwis tool to work with vista. Nw it does? Anyway I am good for Thursday and Fridaty eveniongs after 11pm USA eastern time. Take care Jasonspaz
  7. Just curious if EA still has it? Or has it reverted back to the Herbert Estate? Since a new movie will be out in a few years, a new RTS Dune game is bound to happen. take care jason
  8. I am always hunting for the latest news on Dune. Here is a new story http://movies.ign.com/articles/106/1065212p1.html
  9. nampigai, what the hell are you talking about! lol This is a new director. Back in 2008 I posted (in here) the news from Paramount, that a Peter Berg was due to direct the new Dune movie. http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20522.0 Apparently he was booted and replaced with the new director Pierre Morel. Yeah he claims he is a fan and he does bring up some ponts that even the die hard fans agree with. At least in the end we may get a new Dune RTS game out of the new movie
  10. Ok, I launched xwis as an administrator, and made the proper adjustments, I think. I am able to get the xwis utility running and I eneter in the RA server numbers in the top line. Now when I try to log in I get a bad password. I am certain my password is correct since I have used it on emperor for years. What now? Also I noticed the XWIS set tab button is missing? When I eneter in the RA server numbers, there is no tab to set them like I remember there was in the past. Thanks in advance
  11. I followed these instructions NOTE: If you are running Vista you must change the permissions on the Hosts file in order for the XWIS tool to work. You MUST be in an administrator acct. to do this! Go to C/windows/system32/drivers/etc Right click on the Hosts file-select properties. Select the Security Tab. Under group or user names select(highlight) users, click on the Edit button. Under the allow column select all except the last one(special permissions) Click apply and then OK until your out. The problem I have is when it says go to "Go to C/windows/system32/drivers/etc" I dont know how to get there. I managed to right click the xwis program and then go to preperties, which I was able to find the adjustments mentioned above. I am so lost though XWIS syas " your host file could not be updated" Can someone explain to me like a child...lol and exact step by step to get xwis running on Visata so I can get online to battle the Harkonen. Thanks in advance JASON
  12. It is a good read. At least this guy is a true fan of the series. http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2010/01/13/exclusive-dune-director-explains-plans-for-faster-movie-better-representations-of-clothes-and-tech/
  13. Hey DelugeD. Let me know what is up with our match. I can play after 11pm (EST-USA) I hope we can have a good match. JASONSPAZ
  14. I want to be in the tournament please. I hope I am not to late. Thanks in advance Jasonspaz
  15. This is great, And hopefully the new DUNE RTS games will follow http://movies.ign.com/articles/860/860333p1.html
  16. Just to let you all know. I contacted Relic entertainment about the Dune License and future games. I hope they find a new game worth while. And I also found out that the Dune license no longer belongs to EA, so it is up for grabs
  17. I know EA owns the rights. But we need to petition a software developer, like say Relic software to buy the rights and get down to business for a new Dune RTS. If you read the Machine crusade, the Butlerian Jihad, or the battle of Corrin, you would know that those books seem to read like a strategy guide for a new Dune RTS. The cybermechs, the league of Nobles, there is so much technology and story for a new game. I know this is a pipe dream but one that i wish would come true.
  18. it is 2/5 midnight eastern time in the usa. I am online now on the xwis server waiting for anyone join up
  19. Me again. Ok i figured ot that I have to enter the RA ip address in the xwis tool. However I cant create matches in RA. I guess I will stick to xwis.
  20. Thanks for your patience with my questions. OK so I have empbot on my desktop, and i have xwis as well. I know how to differentiate between xwis and the old wol server. But how do i get on the RA server?
  21. OK so I thought that XWIS is the server most used for paying on line. However a fellow poster in here gave me a link to EMPbot. I cant understand how to get that thing (EMPbot) running. I have it installed but when i start it just reinstalls? So is it XWIS or RA empbot which is the most used server for Emperor. Maybey someone can help me with this empbot. Thanks
  23. Anyone out there still interested in playing Emperor. I go on line allot but never see anyone. Lets pick a time for us to play, I am in the USA eastern time. Usually after 11pm my time is a good time to play. I am on line all night into the morn. I just need to meet some other Emperor players. Thanks Jasonspaz
  24. If anyone has read the Legend of Dune series. The Butlerian Jihad, The Machine Crusade, The Battle Of Corrin. I am sure you realized that these three best seller novels almost seem to be written with a new Dune Rts game in mind. "example" Omnius the robot evermind and his machine army, Agamemnon and his Titans and cymec army, And the humans and the Butlerian Jihad armies. All three of these factions are against eachother and the books go into great detail of each of their technologies and units. These books offer much more info and warfare than the origanal Dune novels. It would be a great source for a software developer to draw from for the creation of a new Dune rts. All we can do is hope. Unless someone has an idea on how to convince EA that their is a fanbase and the time is now for a new DUNE rts.
  25. im anxious to start playing on the ladder. anyone have an idea when the xwis servers will be up. Thanks in advance Jasonspaz
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