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  • Location
    New Jersey (South)
  1. Hi Guys, OK< I tried all of the tests you all suggested. I even tried a few with Belkin on the phone and I have come to the conclusion that:
  2. Hey Guys, The problem started about 2 months ago. I switched routers so I know it is the router but instead of buying another one I was hoping to find a solution to the problem.
  3. Hi Guys, I am a EBFD player. I use the nic "Whistler" I am using a belkin wireless router (for over a year now.) and i can connect to the internet and do everything else EXCEPT
  4. Hey Guys this is Whistler here. (GG's neighbor, hence the name...) On the 1st topic: I'd love to see more surface to surface missles of some kind, not like the mobil Hark units but more of a small silo setup like Starcraft has but with a more graphic delivery. The one in the game now is good but more graphics on it would make it just that much better. Also maybe an airship that has small fighters in it that deploy upon command. On the 2nd topic I'd like to agree with GG in saying I havent been kicked out of any games since he and I have started playing online. I have never even been asked to leave a game because I didnt have enough experience. GG and I have been asked to join games to watch and learn, as well as play as a team against one other player. Now even though we have had our butts kicked, each and every time has been a great learning experience with the "elite" players. Jeff, Spoon, Skar, and even Gunwounds have been great to us newbies. I enjoy playing against you guys even though you most of the time, ok... all of the time destroy any hope I have of surviving. Each time GG and I play we get a little better and learn a little more. That is what is keeping us on here, not just the game itself...
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