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  1. Please GDI helps and supports only rich people. But the Brotherhood of nod we give them a future!!!!
  2. Please Canada ::)
  3. And what was they planing then?
  4. Guys guys take it easy and explain to me what the hell is Tiberian twilight, is it the next tiberiansun game or what? cuse i am really sensetive guys cuse i like the tiberiansun game series a lot and i dont want the game to end in such an confusion.
  5. Tiberiansun Firestorm ended very very strange so thats why i askt. I thought that Tiberiansun will continue but i had wrong :'(
  6. Hi guys i just want to know if Westwood will continue with Tiberian Sun, the next version i suppose cuse like the game a lot cuse its Brotherhod of nod there ofcourse. What do you guys think?
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