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  1. I'm now able to connect to the XWIS-server and chat and page people ... but the game still crashes when I try to play (it crashes on the "connecting" screen after I have accepted and the host has pressed the "play" button.
  2. I haven't registered any nicknames but the one i tried to connect with, though, as I bought the game on "resale" (or what the word in english is), the previous owner might have registered a few accounts (or worse, given away the serial). At WOL the game crashes at "connecting ..." after the host has pressed the "Play"-button (and the other(s) in the game get a message about hand-shaking errors). Anyone who knows which ports WOL and other emperor/ts/ra2-servers are using?
  3. By the way .. would it be possible to create an account using RA2 or Tiberian Sun and then use it with Emperor?
  4. But I bought the game yesterday. Is there any way to fix this or something? .. Like removing all other accounts using my serial or so?
  5. At the first time I tried to play Emperor online after using XWIS the game crashed at "Downloading channels" ... after a reinstall it seems I'm able to connect to the server.. but after about 20 seconds i get "Error: Westwood online disconnected" and is thrown back to the login screen. My system is a Pentium II 400Mhz with 256MB RAM, Windows 2000 Professional 5.0.2195 SP4 (Swedish) and a 2.5Mbit cable connection to the Internet by a D-Link 604 router
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