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Everything posted by fran

  1. fran

    god emperor

    machine crusade! :) i saw y'all use many abbreviations... 8)
  2. fran

    god emperor

    im re-reading GE for i wanted to find the spot in which norma and her spacefolding technology are talked about, as was hinted in another thread...when i found a phrase identical to an 'incipit' (or however you call those sentences at the beginnin of a chapter) in MC (page 370 in the nel uk paperback edition): "there are no closed systems. time simply runs out for the observer"-the legend of selim wormrider- in GE (8th chapter) the sentences are inverted but i think the words must be just the same (im reading a translation) now...do you think that some hidden link was intended? or was it only a very good sounding sentence so that it was used in the prequels too? hope this question doesnt sound too silly, it really makes me wonder... :O
  3. hi first time i post i hope i got the spoilers hidden... the first half i thought was quite good, but the second quite disappointed me! the carachters hardly have any depth and are only sticking to their habit, no way to change their mind! ('xcept for zufa but at that point she couldnt do anything different) btw, zufa was my fave and then she just get dumped IMO and left pretty useless [hide] and i thought her aurelius-hecate-self destruction precipitous at least!!! she could have killed her enemy at any time, and maybe even face something like her daughter did... [/hide]i could never expect anything so silly. >:( then i think there are some loose threads that are not being picked up for the mo...ie what about those spheres omnius launched through the universe in BJ? ??? and though im much for girl power,[hide] what comes of the harkonnen if xavier has left no male heir?[/hide] dont know if thats a spoiler, anyway... and selim looked like a deluded man in the end to me. alas. im waiting for battle of corrin, but im re reading the original saga in the meantime, its sooooo! different!!! :D ah! i was forgetting...maybe im a prick, but i dont think it need a genius to know that its pax galacticA and not galacticUS!!! when you write a book you should check the words you use, stick to galach if you re not keen on latin!!!
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