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  1. thanks, nice to know it was common and i'm not that odd of a player. usually i set waypoints but in these cases i don't think i did. aha. and teh harvester thing..i too notice esp when i have three maxed refineries that the harvesters will go to one..leaving the others barren. then i have to click a few and try to group them to the other refineries..interrupting building and battle. that leads mre to another question. when you click on a harv. you can then click on a refinery..does this insure they will go to the selected one when they are finished harvesting spice? it seems it doesn't necessarily work. there must be some simple coding alg. for spice collection that poops out. ^v^
  2. i'm very suprised to see that all of you like the scenes.hmmmmm. true they are not exactly a big part of the game..especially in having already seen them but as a newbie they are a reflexion of the game. these scenes are pretty much the reward of going through it. ..esp the fist time seeing them. so i'm alone in thinking they are overbudgeted good-looking crap. i doubt i'll try to play online until i get better. yep i'm a bit competitive. it's a shame i came so late to have so few other new players. ^v^
  3. actualy to clarify. it's not when they are collecting spice but near the refineries. the will not go to them but sort of spasm nearby. even when there is no line. i really thought this would be something common. hmm.
  4. :O Hello again,
  5. Hello again, it seems ebay is my best bet. generally on ebay, a game that is 2-3 years old can be had for very cheap. certain games well liked, not necessarily rare can go for much more. maybe a positive sign for you Emperor fans that this game is going for about what Parappa the Rapper and Super Puzzle Fighter 2 are going for. ther eis still a demand for it. i've seen strong bidding on all of them so far. on the used sites and on Amazon the game goes for 36 dollars! ouch. of course i'd rather not see that. it would be amazingly kind if someone had a spare copy :-) that would make my whole month...lol. it is a bit uncorfortable for me to ask so i'll merely mention how nice that would be ::) best regards, ^v^
  6. thanks everyone :-). i've been checking on ebay. the prices are consistently 15 dollars+ or so but one has to really closely check the shipping charges. most are from England..i'm from america and don't really want to wait nor pay for the extra shipping. i've been digging around this site and searched for "buy emperor" but cannot find the thread you mentioned.
  7. i was hoping some here could share thier favorite Keystroke shortcuts or tricks. what do you use most often? i ask mostly because i've been playing the third to last level(with the expaniton download) on multiplayre vs 5AI on hard and i have to say this is by far the most difficult level i have played for some reason..well the reason being the AI seems to attack much more ferociously and in greater numbers than the other levels. i really need to move around the board more efficiently and was hoping for keystroke tips. i've gotten to where i can wipe the AI out(vs5) in 30 minutes or so but not on this level. another question..what do you consider the most difficult level/map? best regards, ^v^
  8. Thanks again Shygirl and Syczek. sorry i just missed you for a chance at a game. i do have regrets on not visiting this site sooner.
  9. i do want to clarify..i use rocket turrets..not the weaker turrets..although against AI they have thier uses.. in a 5 vs 1 game while your attacked from two or more sides i notice a turret becomes the focus of an AI attack... kind of handy at times. very handy in playing the game in regular story mode. to me regular turrets are bait and i suspect only effective against the Dune2000 AI, not those reading this. still though i would hate to play an opponent who is Atreties and not have rocket turrets. what are the rules? to me the NERTHH is lame. i have gotten beaten pretty badly in my second game. i finally was able to play another game and they rushed like crazy. with good timing with the AI opponents..kind of ganged up on me. let me know what is acceptable play and why these rules came about please. best regards, ^v^
  10. Hello,
  11. it seems some of the information on this thread is a bit out of date. there are far better recent topics better explaining this. why is this still at the top? best regards, ^v^
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