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Everything posted by grandtheftuk

  1. hi, look forward to see the results. If you need any help with the skinning you know where to find me.
  2. hi, that is an extremely quick (and rubbish) render done in 3ds Max 6. Unfortunately unless you've got richs that I don't know about you're not going to be able to afford it (about
  3. hi, a lot of practice Chris a lot of practice. But there are a few polys missing where I did it very quick. I took away all of the polys that you wont see (under the body and turret) and completely redid the barrel with only 10 sides (rather than 18) and 1 segment (rather than 4). So thats 16 less polys in the remaining segment (2polys make a rectanle), and 3 lots less of 36 polys (from other segments). (36x3)+16= 124 less polys in just the barrel (if my calculations are correct). These less polys allowed me to make the turret less box like(cheated a bit and missed some polys).
  4. hi, OK here is a really quick modifiction that is no where near perfect: poly count only 320.[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  5. hi, that's quite a nice looking tank, but it doesn't look like it needs 546 polys. The bottom can be gotten rid of and the barrel needs a LOT less polys, I'll have a go at getting the poly count down for you.
  6. hi, wow, some of my ideas could work then... Yeah I know about the giant worms, who doesn't? Deezire.net, been a while since I went there. Going there now... In the mean time I'll try and think of some other ideas.
  7. hi, no I haven't played e:bfd before. *ducks all things thrown at him* How about.... a giant worm ;). Seriously though, as I've never played it before some of these may already be in the game in one shape or form or may just not be possible. 1) A hovertrain system between allied bases, getting money each time it stops at a station, kind of like that seen in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (and I think Age of Empires). Thank Bussy for that idea. 2)A tank that can 'light up' an area for some kind of attack (Boris style). 3)A mobile shield generator, protecting the units in its area. That's all I can think of for now. Please tell me what you think (and if they're alredy in game etc.).
  8. hi, thanks Chris. The tank looks pretty good, you could add a few more details in though, and the skin could use a bit of work (as could the mapping). Sorry, I haven't read the whole topic (I'm too lazy) what type of ideas are you looking for? I haven't got any unused models atm, and I don't intend on doing any more models untill after the GCSEs. Afterwards I may be able to do some things for you.
  9. hi, don't worry Chris, I was like that when I first started modeling. This Laguna (supposedly) was the first model I made. Now after about 6 months I can make a lot better mid poly models like the rocket buggy, and I'm a modeler for Second Wave (Im not advertising, honest
  10. hi, um chris I think you need to up the polys in some areas of the buildings and lower them in others. You might also want to try making different shapes, the pentagonal prisms for pilars, instead of the boring cuboids. With some of the rings you've got there you can lower the polys by only giving it about 8 or 10 sides, remember you'll never see them that close, also you can get rid of polys that are underneath, as you only ever see the buildings and units from the top.
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