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  1. thx Oalf, mine works again now :D
  2. yea, the sames happnin to me as well, im nt sure why....
  3. Whats ur best way of beatig buzz in early game?
  4. ok, thx, let us no if its sorted or if we need to do somin were not :)
  5. so how come some report and others dont? does any one know?
  6. Is the XWIS ladder actually working? IF it is why are my games not recording? i think i put them on the right settings, 1v1, 5units, 6k, pre-built on, is this right and the ladder is not working or have i got the settings wrong and the ladder is working?
  7. Has nebody got ne tips on how 2 stop an ord and sard rush wen playing as atr? i cant build as many units and cant protect my spice sufficiently, plz, ne advice?
  8. Well usually i get rushed a lot, i was thinking of using this tactic in a 2v2 game, you or your ally builds an extra mcv, bt would this leave him vunerable for a rush? If so, when shoud i or my ally build one?
  9. Is it worth building an additional mcv at the start of a game or does this just ensure your death? i know they cost and will stop you from building machines at the start of the game but is it worth it for the extra building speed?
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